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Reviews For: Yaesu FT-101

Category: Transceivers: HF Amateur HF+6M+VHF+UHF models - non QRP <5W

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Review Summary For : Yaesu FT-101
Reviews: 11MSRP: $559.00
Yaesu FT-101
Product is not in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
YO3DS Rating: 2017-01-03
Great older transceiver, wonderful audio Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Many, many years ago, in magazine, I saw a black and white commercial of this radio. It was a full page picture and the FT-101 was the subject. The radio sat on a simple but nice ham desk and behind there was a window through which you could see a picturesque winter scene. It was, you know, the kind of picture that you see as a child and stays with you forever. This is how I found out about Fox Tango One O One. It was a well taken and beautiful picture of a very good looking radio. The fact it was a black and white picture added to it. I was at the age when I began to have great interest on radios and when the ham radio bug struck. Imagine, I would’ve given an arm for that radio.

The years passed by and I have used quite a few famous radios of Kenwood, ICOM or Yaesu, etc. Some better than others but all good radios. During this quest to find the perfect radio (we all know there isn’t such thing) I never had the chance to own the FT-101. I have seen them occasionally on eBay, QTH classifieds or other but they were in appalling state or too pricey if there was a clean one.

Watching FT-101 Youtube videos, I was always impressed by the audio output quality. I love the old radio heterodyne audio that each time kept bringing back the image from my childhood, described above.

And one day, locally, a FT-101 went up for sale. No accessories, very dusty and maybe an 8 out of 10 as esthetics. I brought it home, hooked the antenna, fired it up and there it was! The sweet old audio filled my shack! I could hear the voices flying out of the radio, clean and clear. Kept spinning the main dial and switched bands and on the receiving side the radio was everything I expected and more. I was so thrilled and excited! Hard to describe the feeling but I am sure you know what I am saying, we all went through this about radios at some point.

I was so glad I finally purchased my Yaesu FT-101! And it also matches so well my venerable FL-2100B. I refurbished it, cleaned all switches, pots and axles. A little alignment using the Service manual (no fancy tools here) and the radio is right on as frequency and power output. I had all covers and front bezel professionally repainted and my Yaesu FT-101 looks now in collector’s shape. This transceiver is easy to repair or overhaul even by someone with little or no electronics background.

To summarize, given the vintage technology and age, maybe FT-101 isn’t the best radio out there nor close to that. BUT it has something special that the newer radios lack and that is impossible to put in words or describe… I guess some might call it soul… If you owned or own one, you already know what I mean by that.

All in all a great radio and if you find one in good shape, go for it, you will never look back, it will give you many hours of joy. And that something the modern plastic digital radios lack.

Pentru prietenii mai in varsta sau cei care nu cunosc foarte bine limba Engleza, incerc mai jos sa redau si in Romana (desi nu totul poate fi tradus mot-a-mot) experienta mea cu FT-101:

Acum multi, multi ani, intr-o revista, am vazut o reclama alb negru cu acest radio. Era o reclama pe toata pagina al carei subiect era Yaesu FT-101. Radioul era asezat pe un birou simplu dar frumos, iar in spatele lui era o fereastra prin care se putea vedea o scena de iarna pitoreasca. Era, stiti, genul de imagine pe care o vezi ca si copil si care ramane cu tine pentru totdeauna. Asa am aflat eu despre FT-101. Era o imagine frumoasa, bine facuta, a unui radio foarte aratos. Pentru mine, faptul ca imaginea era alb negru, a accentuat impactul. Eram la varsta cand incepusem sa am un interes ridicat fata de aparatele de radio, atunci cand incepuse sa ma prinda microbul radioamatorismului. Imaginati-va, mi-as fi dat o mana pentru radioul ala.

Anii au trecut iar eu am avut ocazia sa detin si sa folosesc destul de multe transceiver-e faimoase de la Kenwood, Icom, Yaesu, s.a. Poate unele mai bune decat altele dar toate radiouri bune. De-a lungul cautarii mele de o viata a radioului perfect (dar stim cu totii ca asa ceva nu exista), nu am avut deloc ocazia sa detin si un FT-101. Le-am mai vazut ocazional la vanzare pe eBay sau QTH anunturi dar ori erau intr-o stare deplorabila ori nejustificat de scumpe daca erau mai curatele.

Urmarind clipuri pe Youtube cu FT-101, am fost mereu impresionat de calitatea audio a aparatului. Imi place mult acel audio de vechi radio, care cumva imi readuce de fiecare data imaginea din copilarie, descrisa mai sus.

Si iata ca intr-o buna zi, local (YO), un FT-101 a aparut la vanzare. Era fara accesorii, foarte prafuit si murdar, era poate un 8 din 10 ca estetica. L-am adus acasa, am conectat antena, l-am pornit si iata, era exact cum m-am asteptat. Placutul audio de radio vechi a umplut camera statiei mele! Puteam auzi vocile radioamatorilor care pluteau din radio, clare si curate. Am rotit VFO-ul in sus si in jos, am trecut dintr-o banda in alta iar receptorul era tot ce ma asteptasem si chiar mai mult. Eram asa de incantat si incitat. Greu de descris sentimentul dar sunt sigur ca intelegeti ce spun, cu totii am simit asta cu radiourile la un moment dat.

Eram asa de bucuros ca in cele din urma mi-am cumparat un Yaesu FT-101! Si se potriveste asa de bine cu respectabilul meu Yaesu FT-2100B. L-am reconditionat, am curatat comutatoarele, potentiometrele si axele. Un pic “tras” in banda folosind manualul de Service (nu am scule sofisticate pe aici) si radioul este unde trebuie ca frecventa si putere de iesire. Am dat la revopsit profesional toate capacele si rama din fata si acum Yaesu FT-101 al meu arata acum ca de colectie. Acest transceiver este usor de reparat si reconditionat chiar de catre cineva cu putina pregatire de specialitate in electronica sau chiar de cineva care nu are deloc.

Ca un sumar, tinand cont de tehnologia veche si varsta, poate ca FT-101 nu este cel mai bun radio din piata, si nici pe aproape. DAR are acel ceva special, care lipseste aparatelor de radio noi si care este greu de pus in cuvinte sau de descris… Cred ca unii ar putea numi acel ceva suflet… Daca ati avut un FT-101 sau aveti unul, stiti déjà despre ce vreau sa spun cu asta…

Una peste alta, un radio foarte bun si daca gasiti unul in stare buna, cumparati-l, nu o sa va para rau, va va darui multe ore de bucurie. Si acel ceva care lipseste radiourilor moderne din plastic, digitale.
K9AAD Rating: 2016-03-11
I love the ft-101 great radio Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have been a hame for 56 years. I received an ft-101 about a year ago from an uncle who went silent key about 20 years ago. His son finally gave me his ft-101 after it sat on a shelf for 20 years. I cleaned it up and polished all the plug in contacts of the module boards. I fired it up and it came to life. A little alignment here and there and it works perfectly. It is now my favorite radio. It is a very old model 101, serial numbe under 6000. It was purchased in Japan before they came to America. Definitely an excellent transceiver.
N8TI Rating: 2013-12-30
Fun Radio! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
This is a nice solid ham radio. I think that the receive is pretty hot. I use a old Radio Shack DSP unit to give the receive a little more selectivity, but only really need it when the bands are crowded.

The radio is easy to learn how to operate and tune up. Using it reminds a person how you can have fun with a relatively simple piece of equipment. I use mine on CW and have no problem getting 125 watts out of her, but keep it down to about 100 or less. If you want a nice rig to fool around with on the bands, this is it. Have had mine for about 20 years.
K4KBW Rating: 2012-07-07
Fantastic Radio Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
This is truly a great Radio , I own three of them and have a lot of fun using them , very user friendly as long as you take the time to learn the radio , modular design which makes working on them a fairly easy . It does not have all the bells and whistles of a rice box but it will out perform many of them both in tx and Rx . Well that's my two cents worth .
If your considering a 101 make sure it wasn't cb-ized, you can't go wrong.
KD8MHU Rating: 2012-02-29
The last of the grass root of radio Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Christmas of 1977, my uncle fired up his FT-101. That winter I could feel the warm air from the 6js6c's, I could here people from other countrys, see the impressive glow in the night. Little would I know he had planted the ham seed. In 2008 I becam a ham. I now own 5 ft-101e series. These radios represent the last of the true amature fundamentals. Anything else is a cell phone. 73.
KA1BWO Rating: 2010-08-26
ExceptionalTransceiver Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
I was debating over the past few years about purchasing a Yeasu FT101. I stumbled on a FT101EE at a ham fest last spring. I was surprised and amazed at what i found after I gave the rig a good looking over. It was very high quality both mechanically and electrically. There was a lot of thought put into this transciever design. It's modular for ease of maintanance and built to last!! The front panel controls are simplistic for easy
operation. The rear apron has a DC/AC converter for the versatility of operation using 14vdc. Also on the rear apron there is a multitude of inputs/outputs which even include provisions for monitoring received and transmitted signals as well as output from the 12BY7 driver stage. The tuning dial is very accurate with cabrations at 25Khz and 100Khz. Receiver has excellent sensitivity and selectivity with a low noise floor. Transmitter outputs over 100 watt PEP on all bands. I have got good unsolicited reports on both SSB and especially AM. The rig sound as good as a high fidelity plate modulated transmitter on AM with only a few modifications to the audio and modulator circuit board. The FT101 is a great value for the money

PD2MGY Rating: 2010-04-11
real radio,s glow in the dark Time Owned: more than 12 months.
i own a sommerkamp ft-277 for allmost 6 years now
the ft-277 is a 100% yaesu ft-101 in and outside
i used mine for 4 years as a recever becouse i did not ave a ham licence and as a recever it works great
i got my ham licence now for 2 years and as a trancever i like it even better
it is not as i call it a lasymans rig you need to work withe the dails a lot to make it work but i like it that way
now i,m working with allmost the complete lineup of accesories
i,m running it with a kenwood at-200 manual tuner and a g-5rv antenna
i work allmost all the time with the 277 or its evil twin the sommerkamp ts-288a
so if you see one yaesu or sommerkamp try it
you will not regret it
73 pd2mgy

G6UWK Rating: 2009-12-30
excellent after all these years Time Owned: more than 12 months.
This has been my only HF transceiver until I recently bought a FT 450, it had sat in the loft for over 10 years before I fired her up and give her a few minutes to warm up, heat the valves and away she went, Once tuning has been mastered the FT 101E delivers excellent power and a mellow audio.

What can I say.... I will be keeping her, she may be heavy, she may not have DSP or other refinements but she works and keeps on working, not just as a back up rig, for history and just for the fun of using her.
K1HPD Rating: 2007-10-23
Excellent for its time and then some Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I just bought an FT101 3 weeks ago at a hamfest for $100.00 dollars. (late model serial number is 36558 (last 5). I have a FT101B and figured a parts radio could not hurt. The seller told me that he was selling for an older ham and that he had used the radio up til very recently to work 40 meters. The whole thing was caked with dirt and grime inside and out. It looked as if it had been in one spot since new and never cleaned. As I have a love for older radios ham and shortwave I had to clean it up and test it out before condemming it to the parts bin. Two cans of canned air a liberal amount of tuner cleaner windex and papertowels I was suprised at the condition of the radio appearance wise. It was not mint but nor was it beat up. It show less then average wear for its age (maybe the dirt protected it Hi Hi). I put it on a variac and slowly powered it up. Long story short other then a good cleaning the radio needed nothing.
Recieve is as good as my B model and much better then my 857d. Tubes are good and power out is where it should be. Says a lot for the radio. This is no light weight (30 plus pounds giving creedence to the term boat anchor) but it has taken the place of my B for now as the B goes out for some much needed repair. (It works on a 12 volt power supply but the internal supply is toast blowing fuses in spectacular fashion). My original thought had been to rob the power supply and tubes from this one and part out the rest, but that won't happen not as fine as this one works. Yes it lacks some of the mordern features and yes it weighs a ton but the recieve is very sensitive and has a mellow sound and the transmit is on par with my 857D plus it will keep my feet warm this winter.
NW2M Rating: 2006-03-22
A timeless classis! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
This is the radio that started it all! Several models followed this classic. Excellent details on the Yaesu FT-101 Web Page: