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2023-11-11 | |
Time Owned: more than 12 months. |
UPDATE 11/11/2023
I'm sorry to report - it seems SGC is no longer in business. This is a critical issue for anyone owning a late model tuner that is made with with at least SOME surface mount components. This means that if your CPU should fail, the tuner is done and cannot be repaired!
The operating program is embedded in the CPU. Programming the CPU requires a special programming device, and the firmware to put in it. As far as I can tell,
NO one outside of SGC has the resources needed to program the CPU.
Unfortunately, it's pretty much impossible to tell if the CPU has failed, (and) or one of the many diodes that routinely go out. The only way to tell is to replace the diodes - and if it still doesn't work, the CPU has probably failed.
You're in slightly better shape if you have an older tuner made >exclusively< with through hole components. The firmware is programmed into old school EPROMs, and therefore is copyable.
I was hoping that someone from SGC would have reached out to me or Dave Phillips and offered the sale of their programmer and firmware - but so far, that hasn't happened.
Not looking good...
I use mine with a TS-480HX (200 watts). This rig has a "PF" (programmable function) button that I have set up to put the unit into the transmit mode, and produce about 10 watts of RF. Most of the time this is sufficient to kick the tuner into action, but not always. A few more watts would help to wake it up more consistently.
If it decides to be uncooperative, I just press a monetary contact switch that briefly grounds the SG-230s' "reset" line. This forces the unit to come out of its sleep mode, and the the tune process proceeds as planned. When times permits, I'm going to explore increasing the output power that the PF key button invokes, to 15 - 20 watts.
The antenna is a 14 gauge wire - roughly 75 feet long, strung between two poles - about 30 feet up, with one end going down to the tuner, that is bolted to the wood fence about 25 feet away.
My ground system consists of 3 copper rods and a number of random length ground wires (radials) - ranging from 20 to 70 feet long, laid out on the ground along the fence line, and the QTH foundation. As time permits, I'll add more radials, and probably bury them to keep them out of reach of the lawn mower. More will no doubt help make the system more effective and efficient.
Performance wise, this system provides very good operation from 160 to 20 meters. The SG-230 can provide a match that reduces the reflected power to 5 watts or less with a 200 watt input. Above 20 meters, the reflected power grows beyond my pain threshold - which I admit is pretty low. I generally won't transmit unless the permanently installed Bird 43 watt meter indicates that the reflected power reads less than 10 watts.
As conditions improve, and the M.U.F. goes up, I'll get around to putting up a shorter wire antenna for that will allow the tuner to work effectively on the upper bands.
Like other auto tuners, this one is full of relays that make noise during the tune process. Since the tuner is mounted outside, I never hear it, unless the window is open. It is sealed fairly well, but it's still a good idea to protect it from the weather.
Many (but not all) SG-230s have 3, .33 uF caps in parallel, between the tuning elements ground plane, and the RF ground bolt. I understand that this should allow the tuner to use a loop antenna between it's output and ground connections, but I've yet to try it.
G3YNH has a interesting web page dealing with the SG-230, and his efforts to get the unit to work with a balanced antenna. Lots of good information, and well worth the look.
BTW - I've been in the marine electronic repair business since the early 80s, and am quite familiar with the SG-230 and it's close cousin, the SEA 1612B. I have become pretty comfortable repairing these units, and have been able to repair just about all of them, so long as lightning is not involved. If you need a hand getting your running, feel free to contact me at andros2112 - at -
73's, Steve - KG4LJB |
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2021-05-09 | |
Great Auto tuner |
Time Owned: more than 12 months. |
I have 3 of these SG-230 Atu's, 2 work and 1 was given to me with the relays removed, I'll get around to repairing it sometime. I have one at the base of a home brew 30' vertical with a top hat and the other is in my 4wd and gets used when camping. Though I have several other antennas on the Patrol but hey you got to have backups right. I recommend this tuner as an all round HF tuner as long as long you keep your power down to 200 watts or less, yes 200 watts from my Kenwood TS-480HX works great with this ATU. Make sure to have a good ground for it and radials as well, also a choke or clip on ferrites at each end of the coax is a good idea as well. |
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2020-09-13 | |
Unbelievable Tuner |
Time Owned: 0 to 3 months. |
This SG-230 Smartuner is unbelievable in what it can do. I live in an apartment and do not have the room for a large antenna. What I have done is drive a 4' pipe 3' into the ground and mounted a 102" CB whip antenna. I have also ran (2) 17' radials around my patio. Not only does this tuner manage to tune this setup but the SWR is less than 1.5:1 from 10m to 80m. I am in Monroe, Michigan and so far on 20m I have made contacts with Atlanta, Georgia and West Palm Beach, Florida with 50w. Have not had much free time to play with this setup. Tuning is fast and easy. Just transmit and it tunes, storing in memory for even faster tuning when you return to a previous tune. This tuner is not cheap but after experiencing the SG-230, I would buy it again. I have no regrets! |
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2020-03-16 | |
Great antenna tuner for a sailboat |
Time Owned: more than 12 months. |
I have owned 2 SGC 230 antenna tuners over the years. I bought my first SGC 230 in 2001. I have never had any problems with my SGC 230. My SGC 230 tuner has always worked great, and never had a problem tuning up my antenna. I strongly recommend this tuner. It is highly reliable. You will have a hard time finding a tuner built with more quality. |
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2019-11-17 | |
Works but no response manufacturer |
Time Owned: 0 to 3 months. |
This tuner works very good,as a extra i added a "Smartlock".I tried several other tuners but this is the one.Now i operate on a CB antenna of almost 2 mtrs but a 2,72 cm whip is also tried.I and several other suppliers asked SGC about availabilty of the SG230 but no one got answered. As a costumer you need support when you need but i you got no answer on a simple qeustion.
I bought a second one because almost no EU shop has a new one in stock. |
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2019-04-21 | |
DOA no customer service |
Time Owned: 6 to 12 months. |
Bought one directly from SGC.
D.O.A. It lights up, but when RF is applied on it, nothing happens.
And yes, I know how to use a tuner.
I tried contact several times, by e-mail by phone, and the only thing SGC wants to know so far, if I bought it new or used; no matter I sent a copy of recipt and wire transfer to them.
They never sent an email or made contact after my emails.
Good paper weight for the shack. |
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2018-08-26 | |
Fantastic BUT |
Time Owned: more than 12 months. |
These are designed for boats/sailboats/Aircraft, after 3 years of ownership I can't live without it. Been looking for another just hard to find a good one. Best auto tuner out there.
Because most of these are commonly used on boats, if purchasing one of these, make sure you see the one your buying, Not a Stock Photo, Stock photos are used to hide the real condition and ask for a picture of the inside because if the seal is bad the saltwater wrecks the inside.
Earlier 5-star review posted by KJ4FGI on 2017-06-11
for 80 meter transmission you need an antenna wire at least 23 feet long, 40 - 10 m at least 8 feet long.
This tunes frequencies most other tuners don't. These, as I understand were designed for boats/sailboats I guess that's why it tunes frequencies that my Icom AH-4 doesn't. I do love the Icom AH-4 also, it is smaller but doesn't tune the spread like the SG-230 |
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2018-04-16 | |
Awesome Performance |
Time Owned: more than 12 months. |
I hung a short piece of wire about 8m long at a height of about 3m between two trees. At sunspot low (2018) using 100w I worked Guadeloupe and France with 1:1 vswr. I have just bought a second SGC230 to install on my sailboat! I highly recommend this coupler. |
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2016-12-31 | |
Fast Tuning, Reliable |
Time Owned: more than 12 months. |
I purchased my SG-230 about 10 years ago at a hamfest for $40 as an "as-is" item. The previous owner said he could not make it tune. He had another non-working autotuner for sale, so I suspected he was hard on them. The fact that the SGC-230 tuned well at some frequencies suggested the logic circuits were working. According to the seller, other tuner did even less.
A little bit of analysis revealed a couple relays with burned out contacts that prevented the SGC-230 tuning sequence from completing at certain frequency ranges. I replaced the defective relays, made a new moisture seal with liquid gasket material, and the unit has been working perfectly since.
I mounted the SGC-230 inside a metal briefcase with connectors on the side for portable use. It is designed to be set remotely at the base of a vertical or long-wire. Operating power provided via the coax using a bias-t installed inside the SG-230 case. The bias-t has a resonance at 12 meters that sometimes prevents tuning on that band (consequences of using a cheap choke). Otherwise, acquisition of an SWR solution takes no more than a couple seconds for new frequencies. Its memory system tunes previously used frequencies essentially instantly.
The SG-230 is not a QRP device, but I have had good performance tuning at just under 10 watts. The manual recommends tuning at full power. That seems to provide slightly better solutions more quickly, probably at the expense of relay contacts. I purchased a couple spare relays just in case. They are common and inexpensive. In ten years, I have not had occasion to use them.
The SG-230 is not the most inexpensive tuner available. However, it is designed for operation in harsh environments. A user who does not need a device that can be mounted outside could save money with something else. But, if a rugged, reliable 100-200 watt device is needed, the SGC-230 seems very well worth it.
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2016-02-28 | |
Awesome Little Coupler |
Time Owned: more than 12 months. |
The SGC 230 has been on the shelf for many years. Just never had an antenna that could use it with but recently I put up a 160m OCFD and now thought I'd try the coupler. The unit is not designed for coax output. But I wanted to try it out. The unit loves the OCFD. Now instantly I can switch bands...from 160 to 10m. This was one of the first auto couplers built for ham use, plenty competitors out there now with very competitive prices!
Really like the little box. Warning the relays are made with low temperature plastic. If you try to match and there is no antenna connected the relay can heat up enough so that the contractor with migrate into the plastic form. The next time you try the unit that relay will not make contact. The fix is easy. Open the unit locate the suspect relay, heat the contactor with a low power solder iron and reseat the contactor. Always check that you have an antenna connected. This damage occurred at a Field Day when an over excited operator mistakenly disconnected the antenna, duh!