1. eHam's Product Reviews are a database of ham radio related products and services personal opinions.
2. There's a delay before newly submitted reviews are Approved and posted in eHam's reviews. The delay is for new review screening and approval. The delay can vary from minutes to a day or more.
3. Before adding a new product use the "Search" tool on reviews Home page to determine if that product already exists in a category.
4. If your new review has not been Approved after several days you can assume that it was found to not be within the product review T's&C's shown below during screening.
Products to be reviewed typically should be tangible ham radio related items such as radios, antennas, towers, test equipment, feedlines, etc.
eHam's Product Reviews are intended to provide an opportunity to share an opinion, positive or negative, of a commercially available ham radio-related product or service.
A valid product review is one where you have personal experience or knowledge of the product that you would like to share with others.
Product reviews are not a Forum for two-way exchanges, inquiries, general discussions, complaints, help requests, product repairs or modifications.
NOTE: Product Reviews are not for reviews of customer service or support.
The product reviews is not the correct location for reviews of customer service, product or customer support, or reviews of companies/dealers/manufacturers. The correct location for customer service reviews is the eHam Community Forum "Company Reviews".
Mixing reviews of both products and companies/customer service results in product review Rating numbers/Stars that do not reflect a valid Rating of the actual product.
A review should provide useful relevant opinions of a product. Reviews that only state "Its great"or "Terrible product" are not helpful without information why its great or terrible.
If using an anonymous eHam user ID for submitting reviews be aware that there has been a court ruling regarding identity disclosure of writers of false reviews.
No obscenities, discriminatory, abusive, or other content not suitable in a public forum or for younger readers.
Don't review home brewed equipment or home-brew copies of commercially made products.
Reviews are limited to one review per product for each reviewer. Multiple reviews of the same product by one person will unfairly bias/skew the product average rating numbers.
You can add to or update/edit your existing review's content including the Rating and Time Owned with the Edit button on the right side of the review text body. Edits will go thru the review Approval process.
Editing is provided to change your review and correct errors, etc. It is not intended to add frequent blogging type incremental review updates.
Do not submit a product review critiquing another review or reviewer. Reviewers should be able to share their product opinion without being publicly criticized.
In the interest of maintaining objective product reviews for all review readers, requests to remove Approved product reviews may be declined by eHam.
For protection of eHam review readers reviews should not contain links/URLs off-site with the exception of the More info URL.
Reviews of equipment capable of CB/Freeband operation or not FCC Certified/Type Accepted may be removed.
Do not add your own products to a product category.
Customers and product users will add your product to a product category listing and write reviews when they are ready to share their product opinion.
If a manufacturer would like to announce or raise awareness for their product eHam suggests writing a brief News release and submit it to eHam's News. Click the News header on Home page then look for Add News button.
It's a conflict of interest for manufacturers or their employees to review their own products. Those reviews will be removed.
eHam's product reviews are not to be used for advertising, marketing, product announcements, or as a product or customer service support facility.
Do not offer rewards for positive eHam product reviews. Offering rewards for good reviews can create detectable bias in reviews that savvy review readers can notice. This can detract from trust by current and potential customers.
eHam considers soliciting and/or rewarding favorable reviews by manufacturers/dealers as unethical and unwelcome. Those reviews are subject to removal.
eHam's Product Reviews are independent of eHam's advertisers.
Reviews that have been approved should be considered as being in accordance with eHam's Product Review Ts&Cs as described here.
If a review is posted that you believe is unfairly critical of your product and you wish to respond with useful information contact eHam's Product Review's Manager to request the addition of an "eHam.note" to the review.
eHam reserves the right to edit or remove reviews and/or products for any reason at any time without prior notice.
Contact Product Reviews Manager with questions or comments.
73 de Phil NA4M
eHam.net Product Reviews Manager
Rev. 2025-01-25