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Reviews For: Hy-Gain TH2-MK3

Category: Antennas: HF: Yagi, Quad, Rotary dipole, LPDA

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Review Summary For : Hy-Gain TH2-MK3
Reviews: 15MSRP: 369.95
Hy-Gain 2 Element Trapped Tribander
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
PD3GIJ Rating: 2006-12-24
For a two elements beam very good Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I made my first contacts with this beam on 10 m with Moldavia (5/9) and Italy (5/9) on 20m. I use only 25 Watts so this results give a good feeling about this antenna. As I am a Novice-station with a small mast for light-weight antenna's I think this antenna is ideal in my circomstances. Even the wind has little grip on this antenna and for neighbours its acceptable.
KC4CP Rating: 2006-12-16
SUPER Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I owned this beam for 8 years ... & then gave it to a friend (who has had it up for another 5 years). It has performed flawlessly! I would have never gotten rid of it, except that I wanted something with 17 meters (I now use the Cushcraft MA5B).

I worked my first 160 countries with it ... and I ran legal limit through it. No, it is not a 6 element monoband beam. But for what it is ... it performs great! The boom is only about 6 feet long. So, it keeps the neighbors happy.

For the difference in db gain ... and the hassles of a larger beam ... I prefer the Hy-Gain.

It is a huge improvement (and I mean "huge") over a dipole or a vertical.

David ... WR4N (ex KC4CP)
G0TIY Rating: 2006-12-16
you wont be disappointed Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I am able to compare this as i had to take down my A3S small
property unfriendly neighbours.So i put up the TH2-MK3
in its place.Not expecting the same performances
as the A3S i was very surprised just how good this
little beam works 5/9 reports into 9K(Kuwait)and 5/9 into c5(Gambia)5/9+ reports into Europe.SWR is rock solid as instruction manual,F/B measured at 18/20db side rejection also effective to the point
where i totally lost the station i was listening to when i beamed away from him. All this with the cycle at it's lowest can't
wait until it picks up im sure i will continue to be very pleasantly surprised.My conclusion is this beam dose do exactly what it states in the manual. To be honest i don't really see much difference than my old A3S? so im totally happy with it.And the neighbours (hi)so if you have a small property and want something that wont stand out and be neighbour friendly i would recommend this antenna.I would have given it 4.5 but could not find it on this page.Antennas owned and used by me TH3JR ZX2000 A3S Butternut HF5B This Beam is without doubt the best of all the small beams i have used and the SWR is rock solid not so with other small beams i have used The SWR was always fluctuating in wet weather.Regards John G0TIY 73

M0PRO Rating: 2006-08-02
Not for me Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I recently purchased a very cheap TH2 Mk3 in excellent condition to put on my small tower.

Build quality is excellent, the antenna gives the impression that it will last for years. The instructions are good and it was very easy to tune.

Performace isn't great though, at the end of the day it's only a trapped 2 element tribander, so don't expect miracles. Front to back isn't great, and there obviously isn't much gain. Local and DX stations sound just strong on the front, back and side of this antenna.

Conclusion: If you haven't already got a suitable mast/tower and rotator and want to use 20, 15 and 10 with limited space, I wouldn't reccomend going through the expense and hassle of buying and errecting this antenna when you will probably do just as well with a resonant coax fed wire dipole or delta loop costing far far less.

FYI, this antenna retails at £349.95 here in the UK.
KT4XP Rating: 2005-04-29
Good Performer Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have had mine up since 1995 using the BN-86
balun (also Hygain)I have never had a problem
with it.It was a big improvement over the rotatable dipole I was using.I was able to
keep the roof tripod and light duty rotator I was using as the boom is only 6 feet long.
I still plan on getting a larger Beam and a tower when the budget permits , but this antenna is a good intermediate step.For a small beam it has decent
gain and good front to back.