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Reviews For: Yaesu FT-767GX

Category: Transceivers: HF Amateur HF+6M+VHF+UHF models - non QRP <5W

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Review Summary For : Yaesu FT-767GX
Reviews: 27MSRP: 2298.00 (US)
HF 100w Multimode plus optional 6/2/70 10w modules & ATU.
Product is not in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
AF5CC Rating: 2024-07-05
Full of features Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
This radio was really ahead of its time. It came with a built in power supply, built in automatic antenna tuner, CW filter as standard, built in CW keyer, and unusual for that time-adjustable CW offset. You weren't forced to listen to CW at 800hz which was common in most rigs in the mid 80s. Plus it had a digital power meter, something most rigs still don't have today. It would actually tell you how much power you were putting out. And it came with optional 6m, 2m, and 70cm modules.

It was also a nice looking radio and performed well. I finally got a chance to own one 10 years or so ago. Couldn't afford one when they came out and I was in high school.

So in the one box you have about everything you need with a cord you can just plug into the wall. No DSP but you can always get an external box if you really need that. This matched the FT736R in appearance, and having those sitting next to each other would give you an awesome station.

N8TBB Rating: 2024-07-05
First base station suggestion Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I've been away from radio for almost 15 years, getting the 767 out and dusting it off I found it was like finding an old friend once again. Lot of new improvements in the radio world from the last time I keyed up, but this radio has stored well and is still a solid piece of equipment. Really speaks to the workmanship put into it back in the day and for someone just getting into HAM with a small amount of funds, grab one if you can find it.
K7EXJ Rating: 2015-10-25
A Solid Value Now Time Owned: more than 12 months.
The Yaesu FT-767GX was one of the top-of-the-line radios back in the late 1980s. I boought mine from a friend for $1,000 in 1990 to use on the maritime mobile nets (I was a radio officer for Exxon then). It had three accessory modules in it for 6m, 2m and 440 but the only one I used was the 2m one.

I liked the built in power supply and the modules and frequency memories (which were new back then). Bandswitching was easy and quick and a simple mod put the rig on all frequencies.

The built in antenna tuner on mine was clunky and slow from the get-go but it worked. Lately it has pretty much stopped working but the power output indicator still works fine.

When I got the CW bug again (you can imagine that I have worked a LOT of CW over the years) I found that the radio's sensitivity seemed ok but the selectivity left something to be desired. I don't know if I can even get the filters to improve it (originally I only did SSB) but I stumbled upon a Datong FL-3 analog audio filter and that certainly cures the selectivity issue.

Right now they are available at reasonable prices (late 2015) and for a first rig I don't think it can be beat for the price. Just don't expect perfection. These are coming up on 30 years old and they were (and are) complex radios with a lot of moving parts.

But they make an excellent base station rig with a lot of built-in features. The built-in keyer (another rarity back then) is excellent and the monitor has three different audio frequencies (pick the one you like) and variable level control. Full break-in on CW works very well. Not up to a Ten-Tec or a KX-3 but certainly very usable.

After nearly 30 years mine is still able to hit 107-watts output key-down but I usually back the drive down to 50 or 75 watts. No use pushing the old girl too hard. :)

Excellent rig. K7EXJ
KJ4RVA Rating: 2011-02-22
FT-767GX Good transceiver Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have owned my 767 GX for over a year now. When I purchased it the 767 GX was a one owner in pristine condition and still is. I have never had a problem with it. To make it simple it has a lot of bells and whistles and is an all-around good transceiver. Yes the receive could be better, but any radio out there could have a better receive. The transmitt portion is very good for this old radio. I get between 120 to 135 on LSB/USB and 115 on CW, on AM I get 105 out. I own other Yaesu equipment, FL 2100B and an FT 7900 and am satisfied with these units. I am rating a 4 of 5 on this radio because nothing is perfect... 73's ya'll
N7WR Rating: 2010-11-12
XLNT RCVR Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Wound up with a 767GX with 2 meter module in a trade a few months ago. I am impressed with the receiver. Very quiet and compares favorably with my much newer DSP equipped Yaesu. Gets good audio reports on SSB with my Heil mic and CW is easy with built in keyer. Had a problem with the VFO drive shaft being gunked up with old lube. Cleaned it, re-lubed it and all is well. An oldie but goodie
KJ4PXH Rating: 2010-04-16
Good Solid Rig Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I Brought mine back in 1990 new.I had the 6mtr 2mtr and 70cms modules but never got to use 6mtr due to limted founds to put an Antenna up at the time.I was back in the UK at the time and finally got to use the radio on HF after passing my morse and finally getting my full ticket of G0OMM.This Radio gave me no problems for the next 9 years until i had to sell it when i moved to Georgia.I miss the old Girl had lots of great QSO's with her.
73 De Steve KJ4PXH
VE7BGP Rating: 2007-06-21
Overlooked Classic Yaesu Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I recently got an FT-767GX from an old friend. Wow is that radio ever nice. Mine included the 2 meter module. I christened it giving points on the ARRL V/Uhf contest on 2 SSB held recently. I find mine has a nice quiet receiver that hears very well. I have the IC-751A's in my shack to compare this one to. I find myself using this great old Yaesu a lot. This rig used the MRF-422 finals in the transmitter output for great IMD and very rugged operation loafing at 100 Watts. This radio was the first to include V/Uhf operation in addition to being a top drawer HF rig. It still today is the only Larger but not too big base rig to Include 2, 6 and .7 Meter bands with freedom from all those bothersome menus. If you are looking for a nice older radio don't overlook the FT-767GX. Mine is 20+ years old and still a great performer.
Gerry VE7BGP
KI6SZ Rating: 2007-01-03
Reliable Rig Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I bought mine new back in 1989, then soon after I bought the 6m, 2m, and 440-450 MHz band modules. This has been a very reliable rig. Very well built. This was my main rig up until 2004 when I got a PROII. The 767 receiver is no match for the PROIII, but all in all is a very nice performing radio that I will keep for many more years. It is now a backup rig and I use it regularly on the bench for working on amps.

I have had many QSOs with this rig and internal power supply along with the VHF/UHF capability makes for a decent rig to setup in a hotel room, etc.

The only ding I have for this rig is the way that Yaesu implemented CAT control. When controlling it with the CAT interface, the front panel controls are disabled (this is an internal programming issue with the radio itself) and are not re-enabled until the CAT interface is turned off... The CAT commands must be echoed back and acknowledged by the PC, etc. All in all a very cumbersome approach but may be appropriate for remote control of the radio over a network when the radio is out of reach of the operator...
NJ9A Rating: 2007-01-03
Great Rig Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Purchased brand new at Charlotte, NC Hamfest 3-18-89. Got the rig, MD-1 desk mike, 767 ext speaker, 2M and 440 modules for $2165. Times have sure changed. Never a problem and have never gotten anyhting but excellent audio reports. I have worked CW and SSB. Unhooked when I moved and it sat idle for 6 years. Bought a new Windom, turned it on and has performed flawlessly. Never did buy the 6M module but it was nice having HF/VHF/UHF in one rig. Would do it again.
W8AAZ Rating: 2005-09-27
Dated ultra deluxe all bander Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I had one before my current rig. I performed the magic mod-flip the switch for out of band. Then I was able to be a CAP net control station and got super reports. Has the TXCO so it stayed on freq. which was critical for federal freqs. Also used it on odd bands with a tuner to talk to FEMA stations! Sort of an HF jack of all trades. Also I went nuts and installed all 3 transverters. Worked fine but then I did very little SSB on VHF afterwards. Very heavy with all the modules! Got great TX audio reports with a good mike attached. Worked fine with several mikes. Now it is a dated design, but if you can get a decent price, I would not hesitate to get it. (Now I have a super brain computer controlled software rig, that is broken. Got an "obsolete" radio to back it up.)