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Reviews For: Array Solutions Stack Match

Category: Antenna Switching, Phasing, Controllers

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Review Summary For : Array Solutions Stack Match
Reviews: 20MSRP: 270 with controller
Phasing Device for Tri-band and mono band antennas
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
WB2VVV Rating: 2015-09-17
Excellent and Well Thought Out Product! Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
This product does exactly what it is supposed to for three 6 meter antennas, and adds a lot more flexibility and control than my previous DIY approach!

I have three 6 meter Vee Dipoles side-mounted on my tower at 1, 1.5, and 2 wavelengths above the ground at 6m (a wavelength at 6m is only about 20 feet). Yes, three Vees, just like my call sign. These are 90 degree Vee Dipoles so roughly omni-directional antennas with more bandwidth than halos/squalos. They are each simply a horizontal dipole with a 90 degree angle between the two legs, and easy to home-brew in many ways. All three 6m Vee Dipoles are oriented the same so that the axis bisecting the two dipole legs is in a SW direction, so while they each provide a roughly omni-directional pattern there is a slight gain peak to the SW which from New England is the direction for most of the E-Skip on 6m. I must mention that the VSWR match is very acceptable for all combinations of the stack. Each of the three Vee Dipoles individually shows a 1.5:1 VSWR when selected by the Stack Match controller, and the various combinations of any two or all three show a VSWR range from 1.2:1 to 1.8:1 which is all quite acceptable for my 6m tube amplifier. The VSWR is substantially better than my previous DIY approach.

I am consistently seeing that depending upon the band conditions some combinations of the Vee Dipoles are quieter from a noise standpoint than others, as the incoming 6m noise angle seems to vary with different band conditions. It's just much better to be able to choose different combinations than to only have the single choice of all three in-phase. It turns out that sometimes there really are better choices, especially when it comes to noise rejection.

I had originally fed my three side-mounted Vee Dipoles with a home-made splitter built in a Bud Box lid (3 F connectors tied to 1 common/central UHF connector with short identical length buss wire leads) and three 3/4 wavelength RG-6 phasing lines. The VSWR match was marginal since it was neither a 2-way nor 4-way split and I used available 75 ohm coaxial transformer sections, but all 3 dipoles were in-phase so I was pretty satisfied that I had executed the approach well enough to start experimenting. Through experimenting I found that the "always all-three in-phase approach" had limited utility as it always was noisier than my higher beam. I then started to seriously consider trying the 6 meter Stack Match product once I saw that it would additionally provide every possible combination of my 3 Vee Dipoles - with an acceptable VSWR match. I also have my antenna switching set up so that my 6m radio and 6m tube amplifier are always on my 6m Triple Vee Dipoles, so I can always be monitoring 6m while freeing up my higher HF+6 SteppIR beam for use on HF with my HF rigs, unless I want to use it for 6m (as a much higher 4 element beam) and then I throw two coaxial switches for the higher 4 element beam.

This is a picture of what my 6m Triple Vee Dipole Array looks like with the 6m Stack Match unit:
N5TSP Rating: 2010-10-27
Great product Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
Using the Stackmatch II Plus system for six meters with a pair of 5-element yagis. This product allows selection of the upper antenna, lower antenna, both in phase, or both 180 degrees out of phase. Another switch selection on the control box allows individual antenna selection using a separate feedline should you want to use each antenna separately on two different rigs or for diversity reception. I like these options and find myself using them all the time.

For example, when working single-hop Es, one yagi will often favor the other for a brief period of time--but that can change within seconds (hence the fun of wearing out the switch on the control box). A single yagi or both out of phase (throwing main lobe up a few degrees) can at times work better than both in phase for high angle skip or for minimizing local QRN. For anything beyond a single hop (lower angle), both antennas in phase always win.

Installation was simple and straightforward, and once you got it there’s no turning back: it’s like having another set of eyes for observing the constantly changing phase and angle dynamics of 6-meter propagation in real time—lots of fun and highly recommended. Good build quality and great tech support should you ever need it: the guys at Array Solutions are top notch.
K5WA Rating: 2009-11-04
Stack Match #5 in Service Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have just installed my fifth Stack Match on a new 40M tower. I have found the Stack Match and Stack Match II invaluable for reliable antenna selecting and combining. I have NEVER had a problem with my Stack Matches. They are built for long term service and will give you all the flexibility you could ever need with multiple antenna arrays. Jay Terleski, WX0B, is also one of the most giving people I've met and will help you develop a station plan to maximize whatever you are trying to accomplish.
TF4M Rating: 2007-10-31
enables transmit and receive in multiple directions Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have two Stack Matches in use at my station. My setup is unique in the respect that my antennas are not rotatable, but rather fixed wire arrays (rhombics and Vee-beams etc).

I feed the Stack Matches with ArraySolutions RATPaks and the Stack Matches enable me to switch instantly between the antennas and also combine two or three antennas in any combination thus firing in several directions simultaneously.

I am very pleased with the units and I have had no issues whatsoever with them in the 3 years that they have been in use.

Thor, TF4M
VK2XZ Rating: 2003-10-07
STACKING MADE EASY ! Time Owned: more than 12 months.


K1RX Rating: 2003-09-23
Great Quality and Service Time Owned: more than 12 months.
What a great experience with the StackMatch product! Not only in product performance but also the on-going support and repair actions (if required). I have been recommending the WX0B products to many others and all have come back with the same response. Originally introduced to the product by winning the 3 Stack Match unit at Contesters Banquet in Dayton a few years ago, since then have purchased more. Thanks Jay! K1RX
K5NU Rating: 2002-12-01
Quick response Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I use a StackMatch on a 10 meter stack. Recently after 22 inches of rain, I developed a problem and emailed Jay for advice. I received the manual and schematic via email quickly with a tip or two to try for trouble shooting. I discovered that my control line was full of water. After replacing the line, the StackMatch is back to it's usual business of reliability. Service and backing up your products is a good thing. Cudos to WX0B and Array Solutions.
KH7R Rating: 2002-06-24
Makes a difference! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
The KH7R contesting station in Hawaii has been
using 4 of the WX0B Stackmatches for its antenna
stacks on 6m,15m,20m and 40m. Since they were
installed in 1996, not one has failed through
continious heavy contest use over the years.
The ease of antenna selection from the control
box has lead to making the difference in contesting. In the middle of the Pacific, holding
a frequency is quite often the key to a successful
score and the Stackmatch has allowed us to do just
that by sending our signals in multiple directions
all at once. Since installing the Stackmatch we
hardly use the rotors anymore and that alone has
reduced headaches. With instantaneous switching
of directions it takes all the load off the rotator. The Stackmatches were the best thing
we ever added to the station and they do make
a big difference!

VE3TU Rating: 2001-11-26
great product, true work horse Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Picked up the Stack Match for the CQWW CW contest. I gave up on trying to make my home brew box to work properly. We ran full legal limit for 40 hours and the box was cool as a cucumber. The box is located inside the shack with separate feed lines to the two C31XRs and a 20m mono bander on a 150 foot tower. The SWR with the Stack Match is as good or better than each individual antenna which kept the Alpha 87A and the op happy. I should have picked up the Stack Match long time ago.

gl es 73 Steve VE3TU
N0AH Rating: 2001-08-17
Flawless product &service! Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
WX0B is a first class ham and small business owner. Jay has taken the time to build a product right and be there if needed. I stacked a pair of Tennadyne T6 log periodics using this phasing network and couldn't be happier. The switch has worked perfectly, the on line manual was very professional and detailed, and my stack is " Bullet proof", Har!- It's nice to read about products with the WX0B on line manual pages before ordering too- Helps to get things ready for when the product arrives-

I have called Jay on several occassions to get some antenna ideas and to discuss a lot of products. He has a contestor's superstore on the internet...and a solid product line...obviously, he deals with the best of the best when it comes to equipment.

On the first evening with my WX0B switch controlling my array, I didn't notice a big difference between the stack and the performance of the top antenna. After discussing this with Jay, I went out and did some more testing......the array was on average, 2 S units better then the top antenna. My first test was just at one of those times where conditions didn't see much difference, but man, on average, a stack is awesome!

My T6 stack is on a 75 foot tower and with the smaller T6 antennas, the system would fit in a lot of backyards. Something to think about eh? BTW, Jay sells Tennadyne products-

Of note, I ordered a voice keyer from Jay for a radio that blew up on me in the a result, I went out and got a radio that had a built in voice keyer and Jay gladly took the keyer back that he just went to the trouble to send me without any hassles-

If you need profeessional quality products with outstanding service, call WX0B at ArraySolutions- If you want to buy the chincy stuff, MFJ has a number of substandard products that you can waste your money on- do it right man! Call this guy-

73 Paul N0AH
Carpenter, Wyoming