
Manager - NA4M
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Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Reviews: 13MSRP: $45
The G5RV Colinear is a great answer to the original. This antenna is fundamentally a collinear antenna. By its design it has three pathways in phase components on 20 m. With a 20 m matching transformer. It looks like a G5RV but it performs like a collinear antenna on 20 m. While still functioning quite well on the 80-40-20-10 m bands. One of its greatest redeeming qualities is you can expect a three to six DB gain over a standard dipole. Plus an elongated six lobe pattern. This pattern is similar to a three elements collinear array. It is built to be durable and handle even the most inclement and hostile environments.
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
N6INM Rating: 2012-12-23
Best Antenna I have used in 29 years Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
This is a great antenna is all I can say! I serve in the Army Signal Corps and just moved to Illinois. I had to put mine up through trees and wrap around a few branches which the antenna is not straight but do run it through a tuner down to an SWR of less than a 1:1 match. Mine is up about 40 feet and WOW! can I get out...worked DX on 40 meters, 17 meters, 15 meters, etc. I get out usually with the first call to the distant station! This G5RV Colinear gets out! I run a Kenwood TS-430S and run barefoot with 100w and get through pile ups. On station that comes to mind is TF4X on CW and he heard me the first call...Check out my QRZ page and look at my log and will tell you an idea of what I worked. India I worked on a remote station but others have been on the G5RV-CL. Don't under estimate this antenna! Been a ham for 29 years and have never seen a wire antenna work like this! When I tell operators on the other end what I am using they are amazed! For the price you can't beat it! 73's Glenn N6INM/9
5R8Z Rating: 2012-11-20
OK, you get what you pay for Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I purchased the Radiowavz G5RV in September, 2009. The antenna was not used until July, 2010. It has endured two rain seasons with several cyclone systems in the area. Even though I taped and then sealed with silcone the PL-259 connection in addition to Radiowavz plastic cover, the internal connection broke anyway. The solder for the sheild-side was poorly done. It is now repaired and back in use. The goo inside the cover at the connector makes a sticky mess if you must repair the connector.
N9QGU Rating: 2012-08-12
Very Poor construction Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I put this antenna up last summer. I noticed that it was no longer hearing signals that were easily received on my Gap Titan. I took it down and discovered that both legs had detached from the twin lead. The connection was unshruken shrink wrap and glue. Save your money. There are better ones out there.
AC8AZ Rating: 2008-08-31
Great Quality Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Got one over year ago after getting my general class. Good quality construction. Tunes down to 80 but is great on 20 and 40 meters. Is a great first antenna for me.
NT4Z Rating: 2008-07-15
Worked Great Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I purchased this antenna from Radiowavz just before the IARU HF contest and used it in the contest. It's the only antenna I used. I talked to Alaska,California, Montana, S. Dakota, Hawaii, Australia, much of South America, a few in Central America, a few in Canada, and several in Europe. Now I know the conditions had to be good also and it wasn't all the antenna but the antenna helped. I was using an Icom 706MKIIG radio and the antenna went through a MFJ 969 antenna tuner. It was very easy to tune. I would buy one again and may do it soon for vacations.
K0ACP Rating: 2008-03-14
Excellent Value Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
New ham -- been operating just over 3 months. I started operating 1/1/8 with this antenna less than 15' up. To date, I have WAS and 20 DX entities. I am anxious for spring to come, so I can get this antenna up at least another 15'. I find it hard to believe that there is a better value antenna on the market, especially in this price range.

KB9IQJ Rating: 2008-01-01
FANTATIC PRODUCTS Time Owned: more than 12 months.
K4LD Rating: 2007-04-23
EXCELLENT!!!! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Despite what some have said, I feel this antenna is amazing! I have worked over 79 countries with this antenna with 100 watts with it up 40'. I currently have my up 100 feet and am able to bust the pile up's.
KI9A Rating: 2006-10-08
poorly contructed Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I picked one of these up about a year ago, when it was being marketed under the 'W5GI' type antenna, figured I'd use it for a back up antenna. Today, I put it up, and while securing one of the legs, putting just SLIGHT pressure on it, the single wire seperated from the coax part of one of the legs. So, I took it down and repaired it, took the other lousy contructed leg apart, repaired it. Then, noticed how poor the pl-256 was attached to the twin lead. Yucko.

After I got the antenna up, seemed to work on par with my radioworks G5RV, but, I'm kinda afraid to put a KW thru the dang thing. Hopefully they have improved their workmanship over the past year, it is pretty lame, guys. If you buy one of these, take the time to inspect it, and maybe go over it, unless you are just putting up for a short time, like FD or something! I guess I expected a bit more quality for the 50 bucks or so I spent...

73-Chuck KI9A
AD4C2024 Rating: 2006-07-11
G5RV Junior Time Owned: N.A.
I order this short version of G5RV from Rochelle last year and save it in the closet after so many people told me G5RV were one of the worst low profile antennas made,but yesterday something rolling in my mind made me wonder why people said that and why I didn't use it after I bought it for a decent price(only 30 bucks)and decided to check myself If others were right or wrong,here I am enjoying another sunny afternoon at Lake Worth,FL puting up this well made dipole of 52 feet long made with AWG #14 and 16 feet of 300 ohms line,I used a fiber pole of 25 feet in one corner of my house and the power pole at the backyard,running straight horizontally and the open line droping almost straight to one side wall where I installed a RF Isolator from MFJ,one of those that has inside about 12 inches of coaxial with 50 ferrites to avoy RFI coming back to the station,run 70 feet of RG214 doble shield coaxial to the window and that was it,good looking installation I was proud of,then the moment of the truth came over,went inside the shack,turned my IC-756Pro3 and check SWR and I was surprised to see less than 2.5 in all bands including the WARC bands,that is without the tuner on,even on 6M it has only 2.2,amazing isn't? well then tuned with my Ameritron ATR-15 flat to 1.1 all over from 40 to 10M,good I said,but how about performance? went to 40M found a station from GA and talked to him,report was great 59 with only 100W,then went up to 20M and there it was super,never less than 59 barefoot,sometimes 10 or 15db over,so I have another 20M antenna at the other side of the house,a bazooka,inverted V at same high,25 feet,and switching back and forward from G5RV to bazooka,on receive,no difference at all,both are very quite,on TX the G5RV was most of the time one "S" unit less,sometimes same signal,went up to 17M and reports were great as well,12,15 and 10M were dead here,so can't say anything about how it worked on those bands.But now lets talk about what everybody is concern about,the undesirable TVI we all feel worry always not in our TV sets but our lovely and friendly neighboors,this antenna in spite of what many told me,has not a single TVI in any of my four TV sets at home and any of my close neighboors complained about my transmissions even using 1KW with my Ameritron AL-80B,maybe the magic touch was to add that MFJ RF Isolator,maybe because its in the side of the house where nobody lives,it access to a big city avenue,I don't know but I am a happy ham with no TVI so far,checked telephone lines,no RF in them neither,I was conected to the internet trough adelphia cable and conection never droped neither,PC speakers,normally very sensitive to RFI never picked up any signal.So for now,I can't agree to all those who advice me not to use this small G5RV Jr,because for the money I payed,its performing great and for the antenna restrictions are where I live at,its a perfect solution.I will test soon also a Windom short version antenna (40 to 10M) and will compare performance against this G5RV and will post my results here but so far I am pleased with this type of antenna,you all enjoy hamradio as I am,73 and lots of DX.