
Manager - NA4M
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Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : DXSR MULTI GP II PRO
Reviews: 2MSRP: 350
"Plug and Play" Antenna
vertical Alloy Broadbandantenna
Usable RF-Range 3 to 30 MHz w/o ATU (SWR max 1.8:1)
No Radiala needed
Length 6.30 m
max. Power 800 W PEP
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
S56ZDB Rating: 2007-08-14
Good for beginners and for field day Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
I purchased this antenna from another ham even before I saw any reviews. The idea was to have an antenna that would be easy to erect and use on a trip.

Mounted on a short (2m) pole and placed on a concrete base otherwise used for a sun umbrella, this antenna helped me to become on-the-air in less then 5 minutes.

Regarding TX and RX things are pretty interesting. On average I get better RST reports then I give. Which in fact means that the antenna does it's job correctly on TX (on all bands, including 80 and 40 meters), but on RX thins are a bit too noisy.

So in the future I plan to have different antenna for RX (if I even decide to keep DXRS Multi GP II pro).

This antenna is ok for the roof as well, since it does not have any radials, but one should not expect miracles out of it.

By far the greatest asset with this particular antenna is that it has rock stable SWR from 1,5:1 (on 80 m band) to 1,1;1 (and even lower) on other bands. One can use this without antenna tuner, which is normally "a must" with HF verticals.

I do have, however, ICOM IC-150 automatic antenna tuner but I have frequently opted to bypass it entirely, if for nothing else, then to minimise insertion loss.

So, my verdict is that it's nice startup antenna, not too expensive but definetely not for the DX.
DB3IQ Rating: 2005-09-06
Not worth the money! Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
This is not an antenna, this is definitely an DUMMY LOAD!

On the 80 and 40 meter bands the "antenna" radiates roughly nothing. Most of the radiation is done by the shield of coax cable between the rig and the antenna. The rest is transfered to heat at the "magnetic balun" of the "antenna".

On the other bands there is not really much more.

If rf-power of 100 W PEP is applied for more than 5 minutes the SWR spirals up from 1.3-1.6:1 over 4.0:1.
So what will we expect when we would try to use the quoted 800 W (!?!). Do not think about.

Receiving: Very, very noisy. A simple copper wire has a bigger advantage in contrast to this "antenna".

The support by the manufacturer is very poor or should I say "not existing".

Do not buy this antenna or one of the derivates, except you need a bunch of alloy tubes and a very expensive, unstable dummy load.

Today I use several selfmade MicroVert antennas.
(Informations can be found at
What a difference!

Vy 73 de DB3IQ