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Reviews For: OptiBeam OB13-6 (high performance sixbander 40-20-17-15-12-10m)

Category: Antennas: HF: Yagi, Quad, Rotary dipole, LPDA

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Review Summary For : OptiBeam OB13-6 (high performance sixbander 40-20-17-15-12-10m)
Reviews: 9MSRP: 2,900
Extremely efficient trapless Yagi for 40-20-17-15-12-10m.
2el on 40 / 3el on 20,17,15,12 / 5el on 10m.
An absolute "killer beam", not small, though still compact and manageable!!!
Lossfree shortened 40m elements by computer designed high Q air coils.
40m elements decoupled from other bands by the "OptiBeam decoupling stub technique".
Broadband single 50 Ohm coax cable feed system by the high efficent "OptiBeam direct coupled driver feed system" .
Decoupling of the WARC bands from the others by the unique "hidden sleeve element technique".
One beam for six bands with great gain an patterns which does not leave any wishes open!
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
ON7SU Rating: 2023-12-27
Super Heavy Yagi Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
Hello everyone,
After my previous 3 Optibeam yagis, 2x OB2-40 & the OB 11-5.
I decided to purchase another Optibeam from Tom. This time the OB13-6. Incredible, as I was used to, a Super antenna. Very, very strong built. fast delivery of 3 boxes, all neatly packaged.
The after-sales service you get from Tom is incredible, you won't find it anywhere.
Usually an answer within the hour with the necessary help from Tom, whether it is a weekday or weekend, Tom is always there.
It is not a small antenna 75kg. but nothing can match it.
Highly recommended for everyone on the planet.
Thanks again Tom for the Service.

Best 73's in Belgium
Peter ON7SU
LB1SF Rating: 2021-07-07
very good product, eliminates tuner and bandswitch Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
after many antennas broken down by icing an wind i hope this antenna will hold up. It looks mechanically much stronger than any of my previous antennas.

i get constantly good reports, i get 5-7 report from India with 100watts.
reports from Europe say my signal like a "beacon" with 100watts.
Tom DB2BO gives instantly backing up when any questions regarding assembly an use.

Thank you for a very good product.

WG0U Rating: 2019-08-21
Excellent 6 band antenna Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I had my OB13-6 up for 6 years and have NOT had one problem electrically or mechanical wise and has been through several 70 mph storms here in the midwest! It continues to work DX excellent! It is up 25 meters on the tower and tunes very well with my Flex 6600M and Elecraft KPA1500 with 1500 watts!

Tom DF2BO from optibeam was always helpful answering my questions when I was assembling the antenna.

Take a look at my QRZ page on my contacts map to give you an idea how the antenna performs!!!

Happy DXing 73's WG0U
OZ1IKY Rating: 2019-01-23
The OB13-6 is great Time Owned: more than 12 months.

At our clubstation (OZ7A / OZ7AMG) we have the Optibeam OB13-6
It's sitting up som 20-25 meters.
It's a DX-killer - Since we got it, getting the rare DX in to the log has not been a problem.
Especially 40 meter really Rock's

Recently of the tuff Danish Weather, we had to do some minor repairs. Mainly our own faults.

Tom from Optibeam gave a great Service & Support!
A61ZX Rating: 2015-08-08
Best Deal From A local Dealer Time Owned: more than 12 months.
One of the best antennas i ever owned... 6 bands switching from a band to another simply with one click.. the antenna is up since 2012... one call and the station give me the permission to complete the QSO...Thanks to Mr Adil (A65EE)(W4CEE) and many thanks to Mr Tom for the great efforts to make us love this hobby...

simply GO FOR IT...
9K2UU Rating: 2012-02-05
Magnificent Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Own OB 13-6 since 2007. The antenna, at 24 meters high, performs well on all 6 bands, like having 6 monobanders but on one boom and one feed line.
The antenna after being exposed to the extreme heat and severe dust storms in Kuwait, proved that it was built to last.

The antenna system relies on no electrical or mechanical motorization to tune it or switch between bands. It's faults free and ready to kick all the time.

The antenna is extra heavy duty in regard to hard ware and materials. Bare in mind that this yagi is heavy and requires a heavy duty mast & rotor. I use Prosistal's big boy PST61D.

Tom, owner of the Optibeam, provides excellent and instant support when you need him. Can't add any thing new except I'm so satisfied with this antenna.

I also have a great experience with my other Optibeam antenna, the OB 5-20. I think I became an OB addict, cause now I'm thinking of acquiring a 3rd antenna but not sure yet which one will be.

Barrak , 9K2UU
IK0XIH Rating: 2008-01-23
Works as advertised Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
From the electrical point of view, the aerial is a really good system.
Less calls are necessary to overcome the pile-up.
It seems like using a power amplifier.
SWR values are as declared from the builder. Considering that I installed the aerial on a 20 meters tower.
The problems I had during the installation phase were:
One error in the indication area of the S20 element wich caused a loss in the installation time.
The aluminium feedline along the boom was so close to touch one of the bolts
of the boom-to-mast plate due to the wrong assembling of the S15
element-to-boom plate.
I solved the problem inserting an aluminium plate between the boom and the
S15 element plate to increase the distance and to align the feedline.
Mr. Tom said that the problem was the wrong boom-to-mast plate!
The instruction manual for the mechanical installation, photos and drawings were poor.
Maybe I received a wrong manual or a draft copy because Mr.Tom told me that the OptiBeam manual is one of the best aerial manuals in the world.
Balancing of the beam is not so easy! The antenna is fixed to the mast in a way that the beam could not balance well. More than 20 Kilos had to be used so that the beam could balance as it should.
Pay attention to the structural rugged of the tower.
I personally think that these problems could have been avoided on a 3000 euros aerial.
Therefore, to conclude, I think the system is fantastic, however OptiBeam have to improve and not repeat the problems encountered. If OptiBeam improve and don't repeat the problems, I can state that the antenna is the best on the market.
OE6TGD Rating: 2007-03-23
Antenna is a "tank" Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
Hello from Austria!

What should I say? First, look to my review of the OB11-3, please!

Meanwhile I added up a partly home-made rotary dipole für 40, 17 and 12 m, mounted about 1,5 m above and parallel to the OB11-3 boom. It worked quite well, specially in DX if you show the "nice face" toward to the station. Of course, I noticed a big difference against the 3 element beam on the other bands.

Well, first I checked the location on the mast on my roof and then my financial situation, of course. Ok - OB13-6 should be possible! A few emails with Tom and the deal was perfect.

A big truck of a well-known shipping agency stopped in front of my house - and the first thought was: "Tom made a mistake - he sent me two antennas...". Two large and one smaller well-packed boxes, 95 kg in total were indicated on the bill.

And now, my "one-man show" could start: opening the boxes; every item included and carefully marked, packed perfectly and secured against transportation problems, especially the 40 m coils. Many parts are preassembled. It took quite a long time to carry up all the parts to the attic because of my only 25 degree sloped roof, I decided to assemble the beam outside on the roof, right below the mast.

Starting on the next day, fitting the 80 x 80 mm boom together - "Oh my God, did I really buy the right antenna?" - a few hours later I got used to its dimensions and everything went well. By the way, I guess that there are two sizes of wrences and two different hex tip wrences necessary only – and these hex tip screwdrivers were included! As it is my second Optibeam, the manual at the beginning was not so important for me, everything marked clearly, so the beam grew - every assembling step is described exactly in the manual and you don't need any assistance. Of course, if a second person would like to help you, don't say "no, thank you"...

Four days later, after about 30 hours of work - (You will be able to assemble the beam on a flat ground in half a time or less; it's not so easy to walk around on a 25 degree sloped roof, because you cannot leave any parts or tools on the roof, you'll find it either in the gutter or down on the ground...) - I was ready to lift it up to approximately 2 m above roof level and do the first SWR check. A little bit nervous I started taking measurements - imagine 6 bands on one antenne only - but even on that low altitude SWR on each band was perfectly. I wonder, "Is it really the beam or is it the dummy load?"

On 40 m I did a small correction because of the new 7,2 MHz limit for Europeans to get the resonance on 7,1 MHz. This was done very easily, there are, I guess, 6 predrilled holes and exact information in the manual to match the desired frequency.

After the final check, I continued to lift up the "eagle" to the mounting position, very slowly with my hand pulley block. The only minor problem is, that due to antenna-design, it is not possible to install the boom-to-mast-plate exactly in the mass centre of the boom. So I fixed up temporarily an additional rope to the rear of the boom and with the help of a small single pulley on top of the mast I tried to keep the boom in a good horizontal position during the "lift off".

After fixing the OB13-6 with the first of the 4 U-bolts (all hardware stainless, of course!) on the rotary tube, I took a deep breath...

While I pulled up the antenna, I did not check the last rung of my mast and the 12 m driven element got caught on it and was severely deformed. In an email I told Tom my problem and a few days later I got a new driven element - free of charge. That's customer service! Many thanks!

What do I say about performance? I works perfectly - I noticed no difference on 20, 15 and 10 against the OB11-3, 12 and 17 also working excellently - the rotary dipole no match for the OB13-6.

40 m: performance within Europe - first I was almost disappointed because of little difference on the f/b-ratio with S9+20 and up signals, but on low-level signals and in DX traffic, turn the antenna into the opposite direction or change to the wire dipole, no more comment neccessary - 2 elements are doing exactly that job.

My SWR about 6 meters above roof, 2-level house, overall about 16 m above ground:
24: 1,3 - 1,4 (min./max)
21: 1,0 - 1,5 (min./max)
17: 1,25 - 1,4 (min./max)
14: 1,0 - 1,12 (min./max)
7,0: 2,2 7,08: 1,0 7,2: 2,2 (high Europe-phone)
28,0: 1,3 28,8: 1,2 29,2: 2,0

Summary: perfect designed beam, 6 bands, 1 feedline only and excellent performance. Mechanically properties are perfect too; the square boom makes the alignment of the elements very easily and a clever guy-system (2 x 40 m elements and 1 x 20 m incl. 12 and 17 m sleeve elements) gives minor hanging of the elements, so the optical appearance is fine and looks better than the OB11-3. This larger beam is even more stable under stormy and snowy conditions than the previous one. The centre boom anchoring is pre-assembled too, but when fixing the outer ends of the stainless steel rope make an exact cross-check of their position to match the length with anchor centre position on the rotary tube above the boom.

I did a lot of fotos during assembling, if you are interested, drop me a line! Cu on the bands!

73, Gerhard – OE6TGD, JN77kf
LA5SJA Rating: 2006-05-21
Fantastic Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Hi From North Norway

Have had this antenna up for over 1 month now and, wow what an antenna
have it only 16 m up and itsa killer on all band
espesially nice to have 17m back again had an Bencher Skyhawk before but this is so much better on all band.
The mecanikal strenght is so much better than the bencher, optibeam have drive on all elements
i think tats the thing that does the job. HI.
It is always a pleasure to do business with Tom quick service and the package is outstanding many thing is almost assembled finish and everuthing fits.
My lokation is wery far North on 71 N on a island, (EU-141)very salty and windy conds,
and the quality on the aluminium is outstanding.

Im so pleased with this antenna that i will not hessitage to recomend it to anyone anywhere,this on will hold up

73 de