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Reviews For: RadioWavz 160 m Double Bazooka

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : RadioWavz 160 m Double Bazooka
Reviews: 5MSRP: 125
A DOUBLE BAZOOKA antenna is an extremely broad banded Half Wave Antenna which can operate efficiently across an entire Ham band with little change to the SWR. The BAZOOKA antenna design was developed by the staff of M.I.T. in the early 1940's for use by the US. Government as a radar antenna. It was modified for amateur radio use in the 1950's.
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
KB3EPJ Rating: 2015-06-09
Review/Correction Time Owned: more than 12 months.
After complete inspection of my entire feed line system and this antenna I discovered a bulge in my new RG 213 feed line. Pulled this feed line down, and there was a split in the insulation, and the inner core of coax exposed with a chunk of lead wedged inside.
What I figured happened was someone here in farm country shot at a bird sitting on my feed line with a .22. Missed the bird but hit my coax feed, and thus a high swr that I could not correct.
No problem with the antenna.
Replaced the feed line, and this antenna is great! Very quiet, and performance wise one of the best I have used.My apologies for bad mouthing this fine antenna.

Earlier 0-star review posted by KB3EPJ on 2011-10-06

Ok, now it is Oct. 6, and no response from 2 emails I have sent Radiowavz. Do they not read such reviews.
I cannot get this antenna to tune PERIOD. Three trips at least raising it to now approx. 60-65ft.. Worst experience I have ever had with a antenna PERIOD.
With tuner on 80 meters this morning @ 500 watts out/1.4:1 swr, practically nobody hears me.
Again with tuner cannot get this so called antenna to tune on designed frequence. Maybe a lemon, but now just too much trouble to climb up, and romove.
AT $125.00 spend more for the B & W folded dipole they work without any tuner. Van Gordon G5RV @ like $50.00 will destroy this piece of crap litterally. Do I sound upset, Again @ $125.00 I have been raped!
Radiowavz can come down remove it at their expense, and refund me!!!
WB8YKH Rating: 2011-11-26
Very Reliable high performance antenna... Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have been very pleased with the construction, durability and operation of the RadioWavz 160m Double Bazooka. I have had the antenna hung between three trees for more than 8 years with no issues even with our harsh Michigan winters of ice, wind and snow. A very quiet antenna with excellent reciever gain. The RadioWavz 160m Double Bazooka has consistently provided me with a much quieter background noise level than my GAP Tiatan DX vertical which itself is known for being a quiet antenna. A Great Purchase... you won't be disapointed.
K1LLR Rating: 2008-02-06
WOW Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
first tried hanging it at 50' inverted v ne.x sw.dissapointment..then changed direction and flat topped it at 50'.and running east to west.big ft-1000d tunes it on all bands.10 to 160.good signal reports with no amp.
WA2SEI Rating: 2006-12-03
best 160 antenna i have owned Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
when the antenna came and i opened the shipping box i was very impressed with the quality and workmanship of the antenna i put it up in an inverted vee but the ends were close to a chain link fence and the swr was very high and wouldnt load good i called emmitt at radio waves and he told me to bring the ends up ten ft and bingo the antenna was flat from 1800-1890 then the swr gos up a little and i hear stations that no one else hears and i get reports on the OMISS net that im the loudest signal heard plus during the cqwwdx contest i worked 87 countrys on 160 plus 5A7A and HC8N on the first try on 160, you cant get a better 160 antenna and the support is second to none i also purchassed a 40 meter loop and the same results i get in the pile ups and i hear the stations call WA2SEI on first or second try
NA5Q Rating: 2006-07-25
Worthwhile Antenna Time Owned: more than 12 months.
This is a well made antenna. I have used Bazooka antenna's from another supplier, but this one is better constructed. I set mine up as an Inverted Vee with the center up 67 ft. and ends up 12 ft. I am now working DX that I could not hear before, because this antenna is really quite and will accept a full KW with no problems. No tuner is required for the cw portion of 160M with center freq. at 1.830 mhz easilier adjusted. I am sure antenna would work even better if I was able to get the center up higher, but I am satisfied with the results I am getting now! Antenna was shipped very quickly and deliver by Fed Ex.