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Reviews For: Yo-Yo-Vee

Category: Antennas: HF Portable (not mobile)

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Review Summary For : Yo-Yo-Vee
Reviews: 6MSRP: 39.95 plus S&H
WHY spend HUNDREDS for portability?? offers you YOUR BEST DEAL when it comes to portable and emergency!! has taken its "Yo-Yo Tenna Deluxe" and added a feature to make Inverted Vee operation an easier and less time consuming experience! They've added the famous Budwig center insulator to a pair of "YoYo-Tenna" wind-up antenna reels to make connection of PL-259 coax connector/cable a breeze!

Set-up is SO easy! Just extend the length of wire in each reel to the band of operation needed. (Example: 40 meter operation requires approximately 33 feet of extended wire per reel, adjusting the length for minimum SWR.) The antenna wire is made of #22 annealed multi-strand copper wire with PVC insulation. Sturdier than many deep-sea fishing lines!

The "Yo-Yo-Vee" covers 2 through 40 meters. Additional single reels can be purchased (ONLY $14.95 each!) in pairs to cover 75/80 meters (Two additional reels.) and 160 meters. (Four additional reels.) Complete instructions included, along with tips on inexpensive portable center supports for your"Yo-Yo-Vee"

Product is not in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
VK2TXB Rating: 2021-01-29
amazing results! Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
Its January 2021 and I noticed the last review for this amazing antenna was over 6 years ago! SO!! I need to write a review and help point new IC 705 owners in the right direction. I wanted something small, portable and efficient to take in my potable set up, and the yoyo is the perfect answer for this. I've used it on 2 separate trips to Hawaii and my results have been fantastic. I've been running it with a 20ft sota pole fiberglass mast as an inverted V. Takes 15 mins to set up and in no time I was working back to my friends in Las Vegas, BC Canada, New Zealand and every day into my friends in Japan. All on 20 meters phone with 10 watts !
I had a low swr and full radiating power, compared to some shorter compromised expensive antenna, all for $50.
Okay, if the owner of this company is reading this, please contact me as I have some obvious changes to the antenna that would make it even better. Firstly, the wire is black, so you cannot mark the wire at the certain spots to know your approx. frequency while in the field setting up!! No one wants to take a tape measure and do that... I tried adding while nail varnish at the 6,10,15,17,20 and 40 lengths on wire, but that stayed on only briefly and just flaked off! They need to make wire color white so you can mark each frequency length with a black sharpie, and then you just need to wind a bit here and there to get swr flat. Such an easier user option.
I also had issues with the wire sometimes gets loose on the inside spool and wedges itself under the spool and casing. You then have to try and twist open the outside case to crack it open and let you take spool out and put the wire back on spool. That was a major pain in the butt when it did happen. But do NOT let these things put you off, it is the best you can use portable, unless you set up something directional!! And that wont fit in a small case like the yo yo!!
so if you are a new 705 owner, the yoyo and sota pole is a killer efficient set up. I also had better DX results using yoyo as an inverted V than strung between 2 trees, every time the inverted V configuration worked better portable than flat top with 10 watts.
I love this antenna and concept, its a hidden gem more people need to know about!!
KG7AV Rating: 2013-05-13
Solid Value Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Simple design. Simple to deploy. Flexible to use. Reasonable cost. Works just as advertised. 'Nuff said.

Trial run out into the high desert for a weekend. Deployed atop a 20' PVC sectional mast. Worked 25W or less. Ran through the gamut - SSB, PSK31, Olivia, RMS/WinLink. Worked 20, 40, and 80m. No issues. Solid performer. Will be my go-box field antenna.
AI4HO Rating: 2012-04-09
Great all around portable antenna Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Well..I see that the Yo Yo Vee is finally getting the recognition it deserves. I am on my 2nd Yo-Yo-Vee antenna. My first I bought back in 2004, used it for field day, mostly on 40 meters. It was fantastic, that Sunday, we were tearing down, some one who wasn't paying attention, drove off in their pick up, some how snagged the Yo-Yo-Vee and it never was right after that. I patched it up as best I could, but it never did work as well as it did on the first day of field day.

Move forward, bought another Yo-Yo-Vee, had planned on using it for field day last year..until I figured out..after doing 90% of the work to get field day going..I wasn't going to be at field day. I wasn't even going to be in Fl. for field day, I would be in Pa. for my first high school reunion in 10 years. Figured OK..I'll take my Yo-Yo-Vee along with my Yaesu FT-450AT. Never even got a chance to set any thing up. If it wasn't raining, it was cold and blowing, if it wasn't that, it was something else. Total waste, although I did enjoy my reunion. I like the new strain of the Yo-Yo-Vee antenna, personally I think the budwig center on it makes a world of difference. Gives it a bit more least this is my own opinion, your mileage may vary. However if you want an inexpensive way to get on the air, or you need a great all around portable antenna, the Yo-Yo-Vee is the way to go. One facet I think is neat..the ability to add on, if you want to make it a truly multi band antenna..get more of the reels, add on 2 at a time up to a total of 6 reels, you will have one hell of a multi band portable antenna.

73 de Mark
KB1VXP Rating: 2012-04-09
Yo Yo Vee review-excellent Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
First few contacts with the yo yo vee are fairly impressive. I spend a lot of time in hotel rooms and have been using the miracle antenna. I would rate the yo yo vee above the miracle whip antenna, but it is a little more cumbersome to use and changing bands requires winding or unwinding reels. I had the miracle whip hooked up to the rear of my ft 817 and the yo yo vee on the bnc in the front. I was able to switch between the two antennas during my qso's and the yo yo vee performed much better. Happy with both antennas though.
N1MMY Rating: 2010-07-11
Great field antenna! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Wonderful antenna. Very simple to set up, easy to tune, low SWR, great signal.

Would highly recommend to anyone looking for a cheap portable antenna. Its super light weight and easy to carry around.
W0AAA Rating: 2010-02-17
FANTASTIC ANTENNA! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I bought a Yo-Yo antenna 10 years ago from WA8MEA and have used it from many different portable locations. On February 13, 2010, I set it up by my fish house on Movil Lake, 7 miles north of Bemidji, MN. I used an inverted vee configuration with the center being at 30 feet and the ends at about 15. I ran an Icom 746 @ 100 watts powered by two deep cycle marine batteries. I made 68 contacts over a period of 5 hours on the ice and had over 20 5-9 and 5-9+ reports in 21 different states. The last contact, with the battery fading was in Japan. I couldn't be more pleased with this antenna and hope to keep testing it in the years to come. I didn't catch alot of fish...but sure caught alot of 'ham' 73, Zed WØAAA