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Reviews For: Swan (Siltronix) 1011 series

Category: Transceivers: HF Amateur HF+6M+VHF+UHF models - non QRP <5W

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Review Summary For : Swan (Siltronix) 1011 series
Reviews: 12MSRP: $499.00
A 10 meter Amateur Tranceiver with 11 meter CB RECEIVE-ONLY capacity as-built. The Siltronix 1011 plain, the Siltronix 1011B version and the plain Swan 1011 are the same basic unit with different cosmetics. The story goes that Hams and the ARRL made a hugh protest to Swan and when the first "Swan 1011" ad (shown in the Home Page Advertisement) was first seen in 73 Magazine. The rig was seen by Hams as nothing but a Swan CB tranceiver, when in fact it did contain the 10 Meter Amateur Band. Damage control kicked in back at Swan and the seperate Siltronix Company was formed to market the renamed rig. Later came the models 1011C and 1011D.
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
K4FLH Rating: 2023-06-01
Same rig since 1978! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I bought my 1011D, M-1 version, in 1978 (?) and then in 1980 I moved from Oregon to TN. I wrapped the 1011 in a blanket and put it in a plastic storage container. It sat there until January of 2023 when I finally I unpacked it! It wasn't until March when I decided to put it back on the air and started to gather capacitors and tubes
I replaced all of the electrolytics, had a custom twist in capacitor built by Hayseed Hamfest. (80-80, 5-5) Replaced 7 of the tubes including a new 8950 neutralized it and then did a full re alignment.
The rig looks like it just came from the box for the first time and runs like it also! On my meter I'm showing 150 watts. Wish I could post a picture!
The first 15 minutes is a track race with the VFO but after it warms up it's stable.
Since I've had it back on the air, I have worked a number of 10 meter stations,local and DX, and have gone back to doing "free band" with some of the locals. ironically most of them are licensed hams like me!
73 ya all
K5TED Rating: 2022-05-08
Great finger strength system Time Owned: more than 12 months.
If you have poor finger strength, then you need the Siltronix 1011!
KE4AMQ Rating: 2022-05-07
A work horse for sure-a keeper Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Well I figured it was a good time for me to write a review. I have a couple Siltronix 1011c's which I love use it nearly everyday. It has a great receiver and the VFO is velvet smooth. The final tube which is a 8950 ( sweep tube) will put out a easy 50 watts of clear clean audio. The problem with these rigs were: people bought them for the cb band and modified them in all different ways that really did not do the rig justice. I use this rig on the 10 meter band, and get great reports. I did change the lights in it and put all red leds in her. It looks great. Its really a beautiful rig and easy to work on. They drift but thats the fun of using a vintage radio.. I look all the time at hamfests for these radios only to find them missing the 8950 tube which is hard as hell to find. Also the radios I have seen have been beat to hell and they want 200.00 for them, I take mine apart every couple years and clean everything with deoxit the main malfunction is the VFO and the relay. Make no adjustments to the loading coils unless you have the proper test equipment and know what your doing. ..I have 14 hf rigs, so its not like its the only radio I have. My primary hf rig is a ftx9000d, but I really love the older rigs, I have 3 ft101s, a ft 102, ft 107m a 901dm and a 401b for my older rigs. I have 2 ft1000mp mk5s and more. But these old 1011c's were the cats meow back then and still kick a??. Every contact I made on 10 meter usb has been nothing but a pleasure. My 1011c has never been moded or molested. Its a keeper.........the second one is a 1011d early model and only reads 23 on the dial. The frame is different and the specs show one extra 12ax7 tube, which mine only has one. I am very happy to own two of these great rigs from the early 70's. Update on 5-7-22 Just bought another one now I have 3 of them. Easy to work on, make sure these radio's have fans on them above the rf deck. These radios ran hot and the fan keeps them cool and stable.
W4KVW Rating: 2017-05-14
Just OK Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Well I'm not sure what the others who rated this rig have used but it's far from Great.It's an OK rig but it's far from a dream rig for sure.Even after warm up it drifts quiet a bit.Transmit audio reports on SSB are usually pretty good & AM are just OK after some tweaking of the Carrier Insertion & Microphone gain controls.This is for sure NOT a serious AM rig since you will kill that expensive transmit tube which in mine is still the 8950.These are popular in the CB world & generally they ran the guts out of them looking for those last 2 or 3 watts because everybody knows that those 2 or 3 watts will make a huge difference in the received signal on the 11 meter band.The noise blanker helps on receive but it's much better with a good DSP filtered speaker or some type of external DSP unit.Needs a squelch knob as well but it's a bit late for that addition.If you buy one of any of the varieties made splurge & get the matching frequency counter & adjust the rig so it will work a lot more of the 10 meter SSB portion(28.300-28.500)of the band by making a simple adjustment inside the cover plainly marked 28.500.Turn it slowly & set it to 28.300 where the dial is reading 28.500 & you will get a lot more contacts.Again it's far from a dream rig but you can make some contacts & even more if you make that adjustment that I mentioned.It's just OK & far from GREAT but it's better than nothing & it will for sure keep the shack warm in the winter & it glows in the dark as well. {:>)
KB9RZ Rating: 2015-06-04
Much Fun Back in the Day Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Ahhhhh yes, free-banding back in the 70s when I was a teenager, on the Siltronix 1011-D with D-104 and 300 watt amp. Those were the days. Had tons of fun with that radio before I went straight and hammed up. That thing was a drifter though.
KA4ETV Rating: 2013-05-19
Classic Radio Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Made many many contacts on this radio over the years. Built like a tank. Keeps you warm in the winter without heat.

Still have mine today. Wouldn't take three times what I paid for it.
AD4DQ Rating: 2012-11-01
Great 10 Meter Rig Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I picked up a 1011C over a year ago. Was modded and the 8950 was shot. Well after realigning and a NOS 8950 she is firing on all 8 cylinders. The receive is very good and transmit power of 100 watts is the norm. I like the VFO with the classic Swan fast and slow tune dials. The rig is stable after warmup with no drift. For an old boat anchor this radio is very nice and I would recommend anyone to pick one up and enjoy 10 meters. I used mine on the last WW CQ DX contest and logged over 200 contacts in 3 hours time. An easy radio to tuneup and fun to operate.
WY3X Rating: 2010-04-10
Nice classic 10M-only rig Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I picked up two of these in decent (but non-working) condition on the cheap, and sat on them for nearly two years. Eventually, I shipped them to John Bruchey (who used to be with Swan) for repairs. If you need one fixed, John is DEFINITELY heads above in the repair arena for these sets! John retuned the 10M band so that both cover from 28.300 to 28.800, which is a decent mod because they don't do CW anyhow. In retrospect, I probably should have gotten John to retune the CB band to 28.3 to 28.8, and the 10M band to cover 29.0 to 29.5. I didn't think about it until now. Both came back from him ready to put on the air, and I look forward to many pleasurable hours of use as the sunspot cycle continues to improve. -AJ4VM
K9FON Rating: 2009-11-09
Sillytronix! :-P Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I had one of these once. I gave $30.00 for the 1011D, SP 1011, and the FD 1011 digital display!! What a steal and what a pretty rig! It was hardly ever used. All of the controls abd the VFO were tight, vernier, and all of the tubes were original even the very hard to find 8950 final tube. The rig worked FB with full output of 160 watts into my dummy load. The rig was however, opened up for 11 meter TX but i restored the rig to stock specs and tuned the VFO to track down into the lower part of the 10 meter "Novice band". The receiver on this old rig was very clean clear and sensitive. Nothing beats good old tube audio. I know a lot of older hams down this rig as a 1970s CB craze freebanders rig but it IS a legit 10 meter rig.
Overall, its a fun old rig and a Swan to boot.
SWANMAN Rating: 2006-08-22
GREAT Rig ! Time Owned: N.A.
I purchased my first Siltronix 1011-D new back in 1977, and to this day I still use it. Absolutely GREAT on 10-meters, and I can listen to the folks on 11 as well if I want to. The only addition I've done so far is to get the matching Swan 1200X amplifier, frequency display, meter, and the SP-1011 external speaker, which make this a complete station. After warm-up, this thing is pretty much rock solid on frequency.