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Reviews For: Radiowavz Windom 160

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : Radiowavz Windom 160
Reviews: 6MSRP: 125.
160m off-center-fed windom dipole
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
KG7FDW Rating: 2014-01-11
Good for the Money Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
If you look at my QRZ page you will see that I have both the Radio Wavz 160DX (240 feet)and the Buckmaster OCF 160 (270 feet)up. The Buckmaster is the better built antenna of the two by a long shot. I was not impressed with the build of the Radio Wavz at all. However, the Buckmaster cost over $300, compared to the Radio Wavz at $125. The Buckmaster will also operate 7 bands without a tuner and all the bands with a tuner. Whereas the Radio Wavz is only resonate on 4 bands without a tuner. However, the Radio Wavz is 2-4 S Units better on 160m and is equal to the Buckmaster on the other bands. So what it comes down to is do you want to use a tuner or not? If you don't mind using a tuner, then save the money and buy the Radio Wavz. But understand that the balun is not built like the Buckmaster and I foresee the AZ sun here in the Sonora Desert cooking it this summer. Maybe not, we'll see. But all in all it's a solid antenna and a good performer for $125.00, it's a lot of bang for the buck and hard to beat for the money.
W1CBY Rating: 2012-08-13
Works Great I Highly recommend this Antenna Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I was newly Licensed in November 2010 and I bought a Kenwood TS590s radio (I wanted the best) radio for the money. I then decided I should get the best Antenna for the money as well. So I did my research. Which lead me to Radiowavz. I have the center of this wire up 68' with 66' of vertical radiator. The ends are down to about 15' above the ground. Well I am operating 100watts barefoot and within a year I earned the WAS and WAC with 101 QSO's towards DXCC. This Year I earned DXCC and currently have 128 Countries and climbing. I have even broken many pile ups with a this antenna and 100watts!!

I am very happy with this set up. I can tune everything from 6 to 160m with the radio's built in tuner. In the almost two years i have had this wire up, we have had many days with heavy winds 75+ mph. (I am up on a hill so it really blows up a storm here during the winter) In closing I will tell you that this is the best performer you can get for a DIPOLE that lets you keep up with the big boys, including those running amps with yagis.
Try one of theses I know you will be pleased.
AC9EX Rating: 2011-01-17
Great wire Antenna Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I've had this antenna up for 3 years now. Trees have fallen on it, without damage, remove the tree it goes back up itself. I have 10lb weights on each end with pulleys in trees. I have worked Japan to Asiatic Russia 100 watts with it. With a tuner it will tune up 160m to 6m. If I can hear them I can work them.
KB0VRN Rating: 2010-05-23
Good and Rugged Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
What an antenna! About 6 weeks after installation, a tornado passed directly above my house, and dropped a huge tree limb on it. Everything is still intact. On this afternoon's 40 meter net, I was able to hear every station that checked in. The net control operator could only hear about half. It's a great, rugged performer. It does what it's supposed to and it does not disappoint. If you have the room, buy this antenna.
VE3BNF Rating: 2007-10-29
Super performer Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I was a bit skeptic of any perfomance gains using this antenna over my existing G5RV and was just hoping that it would give me 160 meter access that is until I got it up. Apex is about 40ft with the 2 legs running flat top and a coaxial balun about 25 ft down the feedline.

Having replaced the G5RV in the exact same position I had an idea as to what I should expect , regular contacts on 80-17 meters are reporting 1-2 S unit improvements which was actualy quite surprising to me , but 160 m operation is just stupendous , I have compared signals with 2 other hams about 1-2 miles from me one running an inverted L and the other using a straight 160 dipole , remote stations say theat my signal is 5-7 s units stronger than either of my other 2 freinds

Operation on Contest weekend showed its performance with over 40 countries contacted, not bad for just having been on and off for a cpl days , not dedicated to it at all AND at the bottom of the solar cycle
Worked well out of the box , loaded easily on all bands from 160-6 meters and out performed any other wire antena I have used , in my books 5 out of 5
AC4VO Rating: 2006-09-09
Quality product Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
My favorite antenna is the 160 meter Windom. I bought one a few years back from a well known company that I won’t mention here, but the antenna I received was poorly built and I consider with poor workmanship. A ham friend told me about the company named Radio Wavz so I gave them a call. I was told by my friend that the Windom that Radio Wavz built was of superior quality compared to the one I’d last purchased. So I took the plunge and bought a Windom from Radio Wavz.

Now I’ve learned that most all hams can squeeze a Penney until it screams when it comes to buying ham gear. So I’m here to tell you that when I opened the box with my new Radio Wavz Windom I was really surprised. I spoke of quality above, well friends I don’t know how Radio Wavz can sell at the price they demand for what I received. Compared to the other Windom, which I’ll call a Ford Pinto, the antenna from Radio Wavz is a Dodge Ram extended cab dewily! The wire is coated and does not kink up and rust like the other Windom I had, the Center connecter is water proof and made of a very high quality material that will withstand all weather conditions. But folks the best part of dealing with Radio Wavz is that I called three times with questions about the insulation of my Windom and the people at Radio Wavz went way above the call of duty to make sure that my system is working to its most perfection status. They even called me on their own dime to make sure that all was working correctly.

So if you want a quality product that is fairly priced and folks that will go out of their way to make sure that you are able to join the big guns on the bands I suggest calling Radio Wavz. Not only will you be surprised on how well built your antenna is when you receive it, you will have to sat back and remember the old days when there use to be true customer service with people who truly had your best interest at heart instead of what we receive in most cases today.

I hope to QSO with you all on the bands soon and when you look at your S meter; remember that it was the company Radio Wavz that made it possible.