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Reviews For: Array Solutions Control Cable and Rotator Surge Suppressors

Category: Lightning & Surge Protection/Supression

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Review Summary For : Array Solutions Control Cable and Rotator Surge Suppressors
Reviews: 5MSRP: 71.00
Array Solutions Model AS-8SP (8 wire) and AS-16SP (16 wire) are Both Transient Suppressor & RF Filter in a NEMA 4X harsh environment box. Easy to install to tower leg or plate, and to wire up. Includes galvanized U-bolts and stainless steel high current terminals. Shunts EMP and RF currents and voltages to ground . Owner's manual included.
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
W9ILY Rating: 2016-10-17
A Good investment Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
After not having lightning protection on my control lines I installed the AS-8SP unit. It was easy to install and hopefully will eliminate any "problems" form the elements in the future.
W5DGM Rating: 2012-03-02
The Right Stuff Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
As with other protection devices, I have one of these at my tower base connected in the rotor line. I've had no failures thus far, but what I like best about this unit is the ease of repairing/replacing internal components. Great design. If your station has a rotor on the tower you should install one of these protectors.
N3ZC Rating: 2011-02-08
Does the job! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I installed 2 of these on the base of the tower, one for the rotator, and, one for the antenna control cable.

I had asked for help in the Tower Forum about what would cause my Yaesu G-1000DXA rotator to turn very slowly in one direction & gotten several suggestions that didn't work..This past Friday, John W2GD & myself were trying to figure this out, when we decided to check the MOVs in the surge suppressor for the rotator. He removed the cable wires from the lugs, & checked each lug from lug to ground. All were showing open (as should) except 3, which showed continuity. He reinstalled the cable wires to good spare lugs & the rotator now work's great. The Array Solution Surge Supressor had done it's job (evidently the tower must've taken an indirect hit during the summer). I just ordered 3 replacement MOVs from Array Solutions for $5 ea. Easy to install & worth the money.
73'..Tom N3ZC

N9RLR Rating: 2009-01-20
Easy to install... wait and see Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
This is one of those reviews where the proof will be in the pudding. The install has its quirks, the tower is 66 feet from mast top to base with a Force 12 XR-5 and a 3 E 6M beam. A Ham IV rotates the 2 inch mast. A surge unit is tied in at the base of the tower and the headend of the install. Give it some time being located in Florida-Tampa. Time will tell on the setup if it makes it. The headend location is on the second floor, capacitance will be an issue on the install.

visit for more info and pics.

another posting will follow after hurricane season '09.

But for the untested it is easy to install and has the brackets to install easier than polyphaser or I.C.E units.

W1AJT Rating: 2007-08-02
Saved Me Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
Everyone knows that the weather has been strange lately. Well my new antenna system had a "surge instance" with a nearby lightening hit during the IARU contest weekend. My AS-8SP no doubt saved me from potentially replacing my ProSisTel 61D controller. 3 of 5 suppressors blew and saved the day. I moved the three lines to the remaining three unused connections and will now order replacement parts to be prepared if it happens again. Many thanks to Jay for his support and the great equipment at Array Solutions.