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Reviews For: J-38

Category: Keys & Paddles

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Review Summary For : J-38
Reviews: 20MSRP: 5.00
Great old key
Product is in production
More Info: http://
# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
KD5ITM Rating: 2025-01-15
J-38 - My Goto Straight Key! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I got licensed at age 17 back in December of ‘99. Around 2005 - 2007 dad use to sit with the “old timers” at the local donut shop each Saturday morning. I would join dad 2 - 3 Saturdays a month. One of the regular old timers each Saturday was a radio operator in the Marines during WWII. One Saturday he asked me what all the antennas on my truck were for. I told him that I was a Ham radio operator. He told me about being a radio operator during WWII. When he got out of the Marines, he had no desire to get into Ham radio. The next Saturday, he slides a Lionel J-38 across the table to me. He told me that that was the straight key that he used through out the war. After looking at it for a bit, I started to hand it back to him when he says, “You can probably get much better use from this then I can. If you can clean it up a little and put it back on the air, you can have it!”. That was in 2006. In the shack, along with the J-38, I also have a silver Bencher (that I got for just $20 while I was studying for my licenses in 1999) and a later mid 70s HamCo Brass Racer that I bought at a swap meet for $10. I also have a couple of MFJ and Radio Shack straight key’s. Hands down, my Lionel J-38 is by far the best feeling straight key I’v ever used and my preferred CW key to use in the shack. In 2008 I bought an Ameco brass base K-4 straight key to use for mobile CW operations. The K-4 design and feel is very similar to the J-38.
LU8HRW Rating: 2019-04-17
Simple and efficient Time Owned: more than 12 months.
For its simplicity, efficiency and history, is the Willys Jeep of the straight keys. I bought one NOS Lionel J-38. He added a marble base and it was very stable and aesthetically very beautiful. I recommend it.73 de LU8HRW
KC8QFP Rating: 2014-11-16
50+ years old Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I got mine from my elmer Gene, now a SK - WA8KVU.
So it also has sentimental value to me.
It's a nice cheap straight key. But I wish it was gold plated, that would be classy.
I have a couple of those old crappy keys too, I like the idea of using one of those for PTT, and then a 1/4" phone jack so I can use any standard microphone w/1/4" plug.
AC0CW Rating: 2012-03-25
Great, simple key Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I've had J-38s almost as long as I've been licensed. The key I use 90% of the time is a Lionel-made J-38. The action is smooth, the tension is excellent with a wide range, and the contacts are larger than other J-38s. The key's action feels solid and can be used with a light touch. A heavy fist may not find them as friendly without adding a heavy or large base or screwing the key down.

Other J-38s (I have several) are almost as good. It's more important to get the lever properly centered because the contacts are much smaller, and generally, the action doesn't feel quite as smooth, but they're still easy sending and pleasant to use.

All the J-38s I have with the original Bakelite base have the base warped to some degree, making them rock a little when sitting on the table. Rather than screw them down, I stuck three low-profile self-adhesive rubber feet on the base, two in the front corners and one centered in the back. Problem solved. Many of them also require some cleanup.

I'd recommend these to anyone, especially the Lionel-made units. Unfortunately, when I bought mine in 2005-2008, they were typically about $25. Now, I'm seeing prices in the hundreds, even up to the price of some middle/high-end new keys. I'm not sure why this is, millions of these were made. If you can get one cheap, go for it. If you can't, buy a nice new key for the same price.
K5FFO Rating: 2010-01-11
Solid and reliable Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I bought my J38 in 1963, when I first got my license in California, and used it until I got out of radio in 1985. I sold all of my equipment except the key (it was too ugly to sell). Last year I tested for my license and received same. I bought a used rig, rebuilt it,and set it up with the old J38 as my key. Same solid performance as when I first bought it, even though it resided in a toolbox for over 20 years. I can't believe the FCC discontinued Morse Code. On today's crowded bands, it's the only way to go!
KW6LA Rating: 2009-08-15
The King Time Owned: more than 12 months.
The J-38 is a classic old key and will be for years to come. I found if you replace the spring with
one of less tension you gain more control. I also changed the Knob for one that’s feels better too.
Adjusting all keys properly, will give the sender the best performance for his or her style. I prefer
the Lionel ( maker ) to the others. They are superior in construction and the large contacts give
it a different feel. I have many keys/ bugs in the shack, but always come back to the J-38 for the
fun of operating history.
K5MO Rating: 2007-06-28
the gold standard Time Owned: more than 12 months.
The J38 is the straight key all others are compared against. I've had several (the latest, keeper is a Lionel) and they've all been great. A wonderful piece of industrial design, functional and timeless.
KJ7BS Rating: 2007-06-28
KJ7BS Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
I purchased my Army Signal Corps J-38 straight key when I joined the Straight Key Century Club (SKCC) in August 2006. I also have a Nye Master key and an LTA key (SKCC model), but I like the feel and ease of operation of the J-38 best.

The ONLY negative I can find of this key is the adjustments are too coarse and should have been a finer thread for proper adjustment.

I have over 500 QSOs on this key in 11 months and I am looking for a Lionel J-38.

Mark, KJ7BS
KG6R Rating: 2007-06-28
SImplicity is Genius Time Owned: more than 12 months.
The j-38 has probably sent more CW than any other key. It has a simple, bullet proof design. There are keys and keyers out there that can send code faster but their price is out of proportion to the benefits.

It was used in WWII by radio ops. It is a great piece of history and a very good design. Try one!
W8ZNX Rating: 2007-06-21
maker of glass arms Time Owned: more than 12 months.
dont know why
some fool
needed to have two
sets of reviews for
the j 38

its bad enought
having one set
of reviews

its simply horrid
it was 45 years ago
its no better now
