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Reviews For: Radiowavz 75M Double Bazooka

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : Radiowavz 75M Double Bazooka
Reviews: 9MSRP: 79.99
75 M Double Bazooka, coaxial antenna
Product is in production
More Info: http://
# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
N5EKF Rating: 2024-11-27
Not blown away Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I looked at the Radiowavz 75m Double Bazooka to replace my homemade dipole which served me well for many years. I purchased this antenna from ChattRadio at a local hamfest below price what Radiowavz charges on their website. First impression of this antenna is someone made this at home. PVC tee and 2 pipe caps and NO HANGER. It does not have an eyebolt or any way to mount it as inverted V or center mount dipole. I used 2 hose clamps and a battery tie down across the top of the Tee and hung if from my push up pole. The ends are 2 small plastic blocks with a hole for the rope and wire. Very cheap. After hanging the antenna I use my RigExpert AA-600 and got a double humped curve. My primary frequency on 75m is near 3.9 MHz so I was able to shorten the antenna to bring the curve closer to this freq. Mine does not have a traditional SWR curve but SWR is under 3:1 across the entire band. Easily manageable with your rig's built in tuner. On air results have been good from the guys on my sked. I have a Hustler BTV but is very narrow and tuned for the digital section of the lower band. I will try to compare the 2 antennas.
KB6HRT Rating: 2023-03-22
RG 6 u Better Results Time Owned: more than 12 months.
In 2015 tested a RG11u 75m DB dipole against a full sized 75m dipole, you can read my other review below this one. well since then winter summer have noticed more white noise from the dipole as the sun spot cycle diminished to where we are now, I was having retune my TS 990s to reduce white noise during Gray Line more an more, I also brought the Radiowavz 75m DB made with RG6u at the same time back in 2015 so I put it up next to the 75m dipole I had been using since 2015 and used another 75m antenna for transmit, I did A/B receive testing between the to antennas until I was convinced which antenna heard the most signals clearly with out tuning the radio for best results, the 75m DB won by a large margin, I took down the resonant dipole and have started using the Double Bazooka full time, and now feel I can stay on the air longer because have a less listen fatigue over time and its a lot easer for me communicate with weaker signals, an not have to ask them to repeat as much, an in my case thats a good thing...........kb6hrt

Earlier 4-star review posted by KB6HRT on 2015-06-26

Good antenna, but not a great, Its well made, matched down
flat on 3900 by folding back the Nr 12 end wires on its selves,
more broad banded that the test dipole I compared the DP with
when receiving strong signals they were stronger with the DB than the 75m dipole but weak signals were harder for my to copy with my hearing, not as bright sounding but the signals were there to hear, I gave this 75m DB to another HAM so he can try it to see what he think, Also have a Radiowave 40m DB that I though was better than my 40m DP its more broad banded that its counter part the 40m dipole,........kb6hrt
N4PEC Rating: 2010-06-03
JUNK Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
returned 2 bazzokas,1-75meter,1-11meter,both pulled apart(alumminum shield pulled apart-was just twisted together).Both were mounted in inverted V confirguration.I called and lady told me to send back for refund.I sent both back and emailed her a dozen times with no response.Have never heard a word about my 2 antennas or any money.customer service=0..never again!!!!!!!!!oh yes,no ice or snow-just sorry construction!!!!!!
W5AAT Rating: 2010-03-17
VERY IMPRESSIVE RESULTS Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
The XYL helped me install this radiator at 15' on a very hot and steamy day down here in Mississippi. I was intending to just use it for NVIS experiments. I was pleased that after very few adjustments to bring it up into the high end of the band I achieved a VSWR of 1.1/1 over 20 kHz. Now, this is with no tuner adjustment! Anyway, if anecdotal testimony means anything, my signal was 40 dB over S9 in West Virginia! Ha ha! All I can say is that this is a real antenna that really works. I have ordered the 40m version today. Very peasant people to deal with, by the way.
WW3K Rating: 2009-12-08
Going Strong 2 Winters! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I'm not sure 'WHY' some folks have had problems with the construction of these antennas, but I imagine it's because they had them mounted as flat-tops (horizontal) with either too much snow/ice loading and/or too much tension. SNOW & ICE LOADING CAN BE THE DEATH OF A BAZOOKA, ULTRALITE, ETC..... so "to be forewarned is to be forearmed!"

At this QTH, due to space constraints and only ONE support, I was forced to mount this antenna as in inverted vee. And of course, as MURPHY would have it, we immediately experienced one of our worst winters for snow for as long as I've lived in Connecticut. However, the Radiowavz 75M Double Bazooka not only survived, it THRIVED; I finished up my last 75 meter DXCC QSO's with the thing!

Mine exhibits a 2:1 swr from about 3.750 to above 4.0 MHz; I use the auto-tuner for 80m CW work with no problems.

The one thing about the Radiowavz double bazooka which differs from the ones in the HANDBOOK, is that the ends are #12 insulated wire, instead of 300 ohm twinlead. No doubt this is what gives the Radiowavzs version it's (apparent) strength and resiliency. (And, it doesn't appear to suffer in the bandwidth dept one iota).

Using this double bazooka is what prompted me to homebrew a W5GI Mystery Antenna (reviewed elsewhere here in eHAM.NET).

Finally, there are at least TWO things to be aware of before you try Double Bazookas:

1. They do NOT offer any "gain" over a 1/2 wave dipole.

2. When constructed in the "sleeve" type like the Radiowavz, they do NOT present any appreciable "loss" either.

The only dis-advantage is that they are somewhat thicker & heavier (vis. more 'obtrusive') than a dipole and possibly more "fragile".

The only advantage is that they are slightly more broadbanded than a 1/2 wave dipole and they don't require a balun at the feed point..... PERIOD.
David Meyer Rating: 2009-03-29
Super antenna Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
this is my only antenna. I have it in an inverted V on a 30 ft. tower attached to the side of my house. I get nothing but good reports. The antenna puts out far better than I every thought. I am in a neighborhood with a neighborhood association, so I was limited to the selection of antennas available to me. I am able to speak coast to coast on less than 50 watts getting a 9+ on the S meter from St. Louis. It performs on every band, 160-6, with the assistance of a Palstar AT2K antenna tuner.

This antenna maintains a low profile that is not too conspicuous and thereby irritating to the neighbors.
KI0Z Rating: 2008-06-05
Beyond Excellant !! Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
After Inspection and testing at max power levels this antenna has improved s/n,low swr and is Beyond Excellant . Thanks for a EXCELLANT PRODUCT.
W4KVW Rating: 2007-04-21
GREAT ANTENNA! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I put it up in December 2006 & it is MUCH quieter than the 80 meter dipole it replaced. Kicks butt on receive & transmit!Keep up the great work at Radio Wavz!!! }:>)

N6NKN Rating: 2007-01-25
More then just a 75M Antenna Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
After using Radiowavz 40M bazooka antenna with great success. I purchased the 80M version. Tho not installed very high, I still got S9+ reports on several of the 80M western states nets.

To my surprise it tunes up well on 17M and today I worked T32MO in the Soloman Islands!!!
Not bad, for an 80M antenna only 15' off the ground.

If I had room for the 160M version, I'd buy one of those too.

I am very pleased eith the Radiowavz products.