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Reviews For: Yaesu FT-7B

Category: Transceivers: HF Amateur HF+6M+VHF+UHF models - non QRP <5W

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Review Summary For : Yaesu FT-7B
Reviews: 14MSRP: 499.00
Fully solid state HF mobile 50W transceiver. 80, 40, 20, 15,10M
Product is not in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
W1AY Rating: 2022-07-02
I own a ft7 and ft7b both run off the yaesu fp-12 power Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have worked many dx stations with both the ft7 and the ft7b.The ft7b I got with the yc-7b digital display,for the ft7 I use the oak hills digital display to help out.Both are built like tanks and are always a joy to put on the air.
LU7BSE Rating: 2022-06-30
an old man, who works, and listens very well. Time Owned: more than 12 months.
an old radio, easy to use and repair, mine changed all the electrolytic capacitors, and after a good adjustment and a good contact cleaning, it works without problem, it is a radio that was cheap, but it is fun to use For the cost I recommend it.
W0RDX Rating: 2017-08-17
Fun radio and EZ Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Although not full featured, but been having fun using it on the air, folks can't believe what I am running. Sorry to say, sending it to a new home as no space now to keep it hooked up. Easy to use, functional even if old.
ON5HB Rating: 2015-02-22
Simply good, wanted to get me one for 30 years now.... Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
I have had several radios.
Like an TS-590S and an Icom IC-706MKII.
Yes they have DSP's and other stuff.
However this 40 year old radio is the max.
It has ver good audio and hears a lot, often more then the TS-590S!
If you can get one, DO IT, it's terribly good transceiver.
Give it 30 minutes to warm up, after it's simply stable and good.
LW8DJI Rating: 2010-09-08
very fun radio Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
I have several radios, ic775, ts870, ft990,ft857d etc. but this transceiver is really fun, and also works well, I have a tentec 580, but the Yaesu FT7 is much higher, both as rx tx, 50 w reach for most everyday situations. without dsp, pll, or complicated menu, this single conversion works ok. in Argentina price is 150-200 USD, is my companion in my fishing trips, 5 + points for this
G4MJA Rating: 2008-02-14
Nice rig! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I owned one of these radios back in the 80's for a couple of years - I previously had the lower powered FT7 & got good results with that. I ran mobile all the time with the FT7B & a set of G-Whip antennas, worked a lot of DX & always received good audio & signal reports. My only complaint with the rig was if I got into a 'rag chewing' session the radio would heat up & drift, not badly, but drift it did! I had no RF pickup problems & it was plugged into the cigarette lighter socket! The receiver was reasonably sensitive & the radio completely reliable. These radios are getting kinda long in the tooth now but are a breeze to service or so a radio technician tells me.
KC0MNM Rating: 2007-11-20
Great and simplistic!! Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I recently received an FT-7B from an online auction. It was exactly as the seller described and after a good cleaning, it is a very attractive radio. I also have the FT-7 (10 watt rig) and can definitely tell a difference with the increase to 50 watts. I regularly check into the Missouri Traffic Net on 3963 kHz several evenings out of the week at 5:45 central time. The FT-7B really gets through alot better than my FT-7 did and I'm getting many giving me feedback that I need to keep using the FT-7B.

I've started trying to work state QSO parties and can tell a real difference in getting through the pile ups. I will keep and use the FT-7, it's a great radio in its own right, but the FT-7B has that little extra power for getting through when conditions aren't great.
G0IFW Rating: 2004-12-15
very satisfying Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I owned my FT7B and YC7B since the early eighties and still retain it today.In todays world of Ham Radio simplicity still has its place. Rigs of this mould are still lovely to use,and being able to carry out repairs if you need too make for the enjoyment too. The 500khz VFO looks and feels bomb proof and working out the operating frequency with those Analogue dials keeps you on your toes however the outboard YC7B helps in this matter. Operating the Tune/Load function to obtain the optimum performance of the tx/rx circuits is very practical and the front end just pulls in those signals with ease.This is very much a manual rig in every sense.Of course there are some drawbacks like freq drift especially the outboard counter and the heat it generates adds to this.I added a Tx/Rx FM board to this but I need to refine this.I know I will be definitely keeping this Rig especially when I got it back after it had been stolen from me so maybe I was meant to this Rig.
Now I would like to ask for some help here, I want to get the Rig back to its original colour can anybody Help
Regards Michael
AB4YE Rating: 2004-07-08
good rig!!! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
my first ham rig. came with the fl110 amp. also worked great. The receiver was super quiet. Audio was really nice. Not a lot of features, but a very rugged rig. WIth the companion linear, the rig was a 100 watt powerhouse. I still have this rig and amp - keeping it for a rainy day..
WB5OAU Rating: 2003-07-07
Cool 70s tech rig Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I've got several of these's suffered the abuses of a CBer and is a parts donor, and the other two just keep chugging along. Pretty neat little rig. Ran mobile in my Mustang 2 yrs ago and worked FB. Innovative backplane style construction works far better than it looks.

If you can get one in the 250$ range, you'll enjoy it.
John K5MO