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Reviews For: QRZ Subscription Service

Category: Ham Software/Apps - Other than logging

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Review Summary For : QRZ Subscription Service
Reviews: 3MSRP: 39.95
QRZ Callsign database content including pictures that integrates with popular logging programs such as Amateur Contact Log, Win-EQF, LOGic8, and ProLog2K. Also includes a full featured email service with secure access.
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
N5DRW Rating: 2025-01-12
Lost Cause Time Owned: more than 12 months.
been a paying member for a few years and till recently i was happy but the new selling policy's has become a pain, moderators can use what ever rules they want and they only follow when they want. i pointed out this to staff and got a reply that sounds like todays democratic party two face. this was my personal experience and if anyone whishes to start a new website i would use it instead over qrz
N4KZ Rating: 2009-07-14
Nice service for computer logs Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I've been a subscriber to the this service for two years and really like it. It automatically imports all data into the log once I type in a station's callsign and hit the tab key. I use this look-up service with ACLog by N3FJP. I used to use various CD-Rom look ups in my computer but they grew out of date in a few months. This service costs about the same as buying a new CD annually but never gets out of date. I've automated my station a great deal and this is an important piece of the pie.
WZ7I Rating: 2007-09-27
Perhaps best amateur investment I have made Time Owned: more than 12 months.
This subscription service is tightly integrated into my logging program, Logic 8. When I enter a call in Logic the QRZ page of the station complete with the picture pops up automatically on my screen. This QRZ subscription page is clean and devoid of distracting advertisements.

Increasingly hams are including a home page URL on their QRZ page and a single click then gives me access to pictures of their family, paragraphs about other interests in life, etc. I find this a wonderful entrée into a meaningful conversation that rapidly gets beyond station equipment and antennas. I can’t recommend this subscription enough. It is my understanding that the subscription works with several other logging programs including Amateur Contact Log, Win-EQF, and ProLog2K.