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Reviews For: RadioWavz Double Bazooka

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : RadioWavz Double Bazooka
Reviews: 8MSRP: 39.99 - 130.00
A DOUBLE BAZOOKA antenna is an extremely broad banded Half Wave Antenna which can operate efficiently across an entire Ham band with little change to the SWR. The BAZOOKA antenna design was developed by the staff of M.I.T. in the early 1940's for use by the US. Government as a radar antenna. It was modified for amateur radio use in the 1950's.

This unique design eliminates the need for antenna matching baluns and fed directly with 50 Ohm coax.

The DOUBLE BAZOOKA is 98% efficient and typically provides NOMINAL S.W.R. readings of less than 2:1 over the entire band.

Since this antenna has no exposed metal wire static charges can not build up thus reducing noise over antennas constructed of exposed wire.

The DOUBLE BAZOOKA antenna will handle full legal limit power with no effect to performance.

The DOUBLE BAZOOKA can be mounted in an inverted "V" configuration for optimum results, "Center elevated, with 90 - 120 degrees between the legs". Then it will have vertical polarization and will usually out perform a dipole type antenna at distances of over 500 miles due to its lower angle of radiation. However the DOUBLE BAZOOKA can be configured horizontally with equally good results. If erected as a Dipole this antenna has horizontal polarization.

This is a single band antenna that does not radiate harmonics, has very little feed line radiation. The antenna consists of a half - wavelength of coaxial line with the outer conductor opened at the center and the feed line connected to the open ends. The inside sections, do not radiate, but act as quarter-wave shorted stubs which presents high resistive impedance to the feed point at resonance and tends to cancel reactance as frequency off resonant frequencies, thus increasing band width.
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
KF4ULD Rating: 2018-07-15
48 Mhz is low SWR point Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
48 Mhz is where this has the lowest swr mounted flat top about 13 to 15 feet high for me. To get it closer to the usable frequency I should not be expected to trim this thing. It was measured with an AH54. Workmanship is great on this though.
KB3EPJ Rating: 2015-06-02
160 neter double bazooka-GREAT Time Owned: more than 12 months.
i previously gave this antenna a "0". Could not tune below a 4:1 swr.
After careful inspection of all equipment decided to pull down the newly installed rg213 feed line.
Upon inspection there was a bulge, and split in the outside insulator, and braided ground and opening all the way to the center conductor with a small chunk of lead distorted a bit sitting inside.
Someone had shot a .22 rifle or such and hit my coax.
The antenna is excellent, and very quiet.
This is the 160 meter Double Bazooka.
Never thought I'd have bullet damage to anything on my property, but living out in farm country I guess someone shot aT a bird of some sort roosting on my rg213 feed line.
lol, Found the problem, please erase my provious rants against this antenna, it is great!
KG5CGN Rating: 2015-05-03
I love it!!! Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
I've only been licensed close to a year and obviously have a lot to learn in this great hobby, BUT I have been extremely happy with Radiowavz and the double bazooka antenna's. I have built a few simple dipole's and one or two double bazooka's of my own but I purchased the 10/6/and 15m versions from them to compare. My builds did have a bit stronger center insulators with hangers, but they did not give the results that the Radiowavez DB's did... Lack of experience probably played a part. I would be really happy if they added a hanging hole to them. I also put a bit of silicone around the holes where the coax exits. I've used them as half wave slopers, verticals, inverted vee in my attic, and flat top. I've matched my 10m all the way down to 80m on my TS-570D with the internal tuner and received great. Granted the transmatch probably causes a big loss in power, but I could hear stations really well... It's definitely a quiet antenna!!! I have always had great receive on them and make most contacts that I reach out for. Propagation and location always plays a part in performance of any antenna and these outperform all others I have tried. I've tried verticals and longwires against them and they always win at my location... Small QTH and portable operations.
KC7MF Rating: 2015-04-30
Update to my review Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
Sometimes it is important to add to a review. You can decide if this is one of those times .

I have been using this antenna as a net control on the Pacific Seafarer's General Traffic Net for a couple of months now. It has become a minor legend on the net. I am getting extremely strong signal reports (over S9) coast-to-coast and deep into the pacific. Many is the time that I can hear and communicate with stations that my beam-equipped fellows can not hear. The advantage to an omnidirectional antenna for Net Control use is obvious. It puts your arms around the maximum number of folks. Provided that you have a beam for when you need it or even better a good set of relay stations so equipped omnidirectional antennas will make your net more visible to passer's by. And in times of wonky band conditions often allow you to hear stations your beam will miss.

So. This is a very good antenna. It would be unfair to dock it a point as I did. That might leave the impression that it is less than the outstanding antenna it is. It is quiet and really gets out. I fashioned a good mounting system so my complaint about that was a mere quibble.

Even if you have a beam, get one of these. My bet is that you will find yourself using it more than you might think. Good on RadioWavz. I stand corrected.
KA2UFP Rating: 2014-01-10
...EXCELLENT ANTENNA... Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
...15 meter double bazooka works wonders...built any dipole...iam always asked "what you using"...recommend this antenna 100%...^ boot...
K4CMC Rating: 2013-06-14
Super Performance Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Just bought this antenna in 15 meter configuration at the Knoxville Hamfest for about $40. I put it up at about 30 feet with the ends down slightly. Definitely not at the angle of an inverted v and is almost a flatop. I coiled four or five turns of the coax under the feedpoint since it is apparent that there is no balun provided. I was amazed at the performance on 15. It is flat with 1.2 SWR or less over the entire 15 meter band from 21.000-21.450. Additionally, I am getting 2-3 db better signal reports on JT6 than from my beam antenna to the same stations which really surprised me. I got a report of -02 db from a Japanese station yesterday. My only minor carp is that the end insulators are pretty cheaply made. Would certainly prefer replacing them with ceramic dogbones, but sure can't complain about how the antenna works. Time will tell if the sealing of the coax holds up as this normally is the weak design part of bazooka antennas. Right now I am a really happy camper!
K7FD Rating: 2010-03-08
Good quality, fair price Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Put mine up as a half wave sloper and couldn't be happier. I'm feeding it with RG8X and have dacron line running along its length for added strength...

SWR is 1.5:1 for almost all of 40m...

WA9YSD Rating: 2007-11-04
Double Bazooka VS Folded Dipole Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
I compared the 17M RadioWavz Double Bazooka to a 17M-folded dipole.

The 2 antennas were sloping in the same direction separated about 17 feet, and the folded dipole was 2 feet higher than the Double Bazooka on both ends.

The Double Bazooka had received signals better than the folded dipole for all the stations I was listening to. Signals ranged from 1 S unit to 20 DB better than the folded dipole.

I had been a user of a folded dipole since 1970, and I thought that this was a good playing antenna. After this comparison the RadioWavz Double Bazooka antenna made a believer out of me. I removed both of my folded dipoles and put up RadioWavz Double Bazooka antennas on 40, 30, 17, and 12 M and for several months now, I have been very happy with them.

Keep The Faith, Jim K9TF/WA9YSD