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Reviews For: Kenwood TS-570S(G)

Category: Transceivers: HF Amateur HF+6M+VHF+UHF models - non QRP <5W

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Review Summary For : Kenwood TS-570S(G)
Reviews: 64MSRP: 1300.00
HF and Six Meter
Product is not in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
KJ4RZZ Rating: 2020-03-28
Not the prettiest radio but packed with features! Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
You know, I resisted this radio for years. I have a love affair with older kenwoods, you know the beautiful high contrast led displays, like the 450S, TS-690S.

But, I longed for the built in keyer, auto cw zero beat, and DSP. I saw a 570SG pop up, and these are sort of rare so I purchased it. At first I was not impressed... it's kinda 90's ugly (ie black rubber) and bland. The DSP didn't seem to pull anything out of the noise that I couldn't hear without it and in most cases made it worse. It was clear that if I couldn't copy a weak signal, DSP wasn't going to magically make it copyable.

But then, something magic happened. I discovered that while the DSP will not magically make weak signals clearer, it will take voice that IS copyable but buried down in the noise, and strip away that noise.

Also, my 690s has 4 filter settings, 12k, 6k, 2.4k, and 500hz. The 570 on the other hand has infinitely adjustable digital filter skirts which can be moved on each side narrowing the band pass down to almost nothing.

The digital filter for CW mode has adjustable band pass simulating multiple IF filters. An IF filter can also be added to help with nearby strong signals, but I found turning AF gain all the way up, and using only RF gain to control volume works great to disable AGC.

This works extremely well in SSB and so well in fact that you could entirely get away without a narrowing band IF filter. I tried this in the worst pileup I've ever heard and still I was able to pull out a single signal from the pile without AGC pumping. Surprised how few people mention this.

The 570 is just loaded with features... too many to describe here.

While it's not the prettiest radio, it really performs.

If you are on a budget and want a rig loaded with features, this is it. The 570D or 570S.

One thing I can say for the 690s is that it still sounds better when you have space for a wide filter. The 570S sounds good, but the 690S sounds richer especially in AM. I think this can be fixed by installing a wider AM filter in the 570.

The G model is preferable but a little harder to find. You can identify easily.. the menus go up to 51. The non G models go up to 46. The additional features are:

570 S/D (G) extra features
49) CW MANUAL WEIGHT RATIO (doesn't do much)

570 S/D CW Filters widths:
2k, 1k, 600,400,300,200,100,50

570 S/D (G) CW Filters:
2k, 1k, 600,500,400,300,200,150,100,80,50

One more thing, for the 570S/D the baud rate for cat control cable is 4800/8/1/CTS+RTS. For the (G) models, it's 9600 baud not 4800. This may help someone down the road.
W0RDX Rating: 2015-04-16
570S a great little radio Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I love the 570S/SG. Great performance, albeit not contest grade, but doesn't cost $10K either. Functions as it should, easy to use, easy to understand. My one gripe if the poor quality finish on the front panel which rubs down to a shiny black if you interface your fingers with the too much. Doesn't affect performance only appearance over time.

I wish the main tuning dial was a bit larger, but it is agreeable. When the 570S came out, Kenwood offered upgrades to the S to make them SG's (not much of an upgrade actually), just like they did with the 590S to implement the overshoot fix for free to the owners. What companies out there do that these days?

The 570 was a great start to the 590 and I can hardly wait for the next gen 590 (not the 590SG I mean). They keep getting better and better.

A great entry level radio, portable/back up radio, not sure about mobile radio, but easy for FD, remote set up, etc. Lovely display, great receive audio (as with all Kenwoods I have ever owned), and great transmit audio.

Works fantastic on 6 meters as well as HF. Although not a contest radio grade, it doesn't cost over $1K either.

Overall, a fun and easy to use radio with features galore.

Earlier 4-star review posted by N9CM on 2013-12-24

I have had the 570SG before and like it. It is a generic radio, that is, good for HF rag chewing and working some DX and you get 6 meters also.

Only real nits I have about the radio:
1. Plastic front bezel. Easily scratched, rubbed down around the power on/off button.
2. NB doesn't do much if anything to any noise.
3. One filter slot - be nice to have had both CW and SSB filters installed.
4. VS Voice Module a nusiance. Every time you change frequency, etc. it announces. No way to disable other than going inside and unplugging. Huh?

Plays nice and easy to use without the manual, except when "setting" it up.

Don't think you will go wrong with less than 800$ spent.

FORMER_W3AMF Rating: 2014-12-30
Good Basic DSP Menu-Driven Radio Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I bought it new in 2000, and it is my main rig (an FT-101ZD and a TS-940SAT are the other ones). It has required no maintenance other than one trip to the dealer during the warranty period. I cannot remember what was wrong.

The instruction manual is thorough, easy-to-read and well-illustrated. The schematics and technical information that accompany the manual would be invaluable to a technician if a repair should be necessary.

The menu is rather comprehensive and includes many capabilities that I do not use. I would caution a user to read the manual before changing menu settings. Unless you know how you want the radio to operate, you should avoid changing the menu settings.

I use the rig mostly on CW with a Vibroplex Lightning Bug because I cannot master the built-in keyer. I also use it frequently on SSB. I have used it a couple times on MF AM and 6-meter FM, so I know it works those modes. I receive good quality reports in all modes.

I have an optional 500Hz CW filter installed. It would be nice if an optional SSB filter also could be installed but.... In conjunction with the selectable CW filters, RIT, and IF shift, it is a match for most CW QRM. With the IF shift, RIT, and DSP Slope controls, adjacent channel interference on SSB can be reduced.

My HF amplifier input goes to Antenna 1 and my 6-meter antenna goes to Antenna 2. VFO-A is used for 160-10 meters and VFO-B is used for 6 meters. This enables me to instantly monitor 6-meters and return to the HF band where I was operating. I use the XIT for offsets when working DX-up contacts.

The so-called noise blanker is useless. I experience the occasional "long-dash" problem when sending CW that other reviewers have noted. It is so rare, however, that I just let it pass and continue the QSO. It really can be ignored.

The internal tuner will quickly load anything that can be called an antenna. It tunes much faster than the tuner in my older TS-940SAT. It also could be used to match the transmitter to an amplifier's input circuit, if needed.

I usually operate barefoot, but it easily drives my Amp Supply LA-1000A or Yaesu FL-2100Z to full output. I do use the internal tuner on some bands to load the LA-1000A but do not need it for the FL-2100Z.

My most serious complaint is that it does not hear as well as it speaks. I frequently get answers to CQs and good reports from weak stations that I can barely copy. This problem, of course, is more common when I am running an amplifier.

The internal speaker and the companion speaker do a great job with CW signals but do not reproduce SSB signals as well as I would like. To my old ears, SSB is sometimes difficult to understand. Careful adjustment of the RIT and the DSP Slope controls helps considerably. The sensitivity on 6-meters is only marginally acceptable (with a 4-element yagi at 15 meters).

Overall, I like it and intend to keep it. The positive attributes far outweigh the few negative ones. It is an easy-to-use, basic DSP radio. It is worth considering if you are looking for a used transceiver.

Earlier 4-star review posted by W3AMF on 2012-01-08

I bought it new in 2000, and it is my main rig (an FT-101ZD is the other one). I use it mainly on CW, with a bug, because I cannot seem to master a keyer. I also use it frequently on SSB and occasionally on AM. I have used it a couple times on 6 meter FM simplex.

I have an optional 500Hz CW filter installed. In conjunction with the other, selectable CW filters and RIT, it is a match for most QRM on all bands.

I experience the occasional "long-dash" problem when sending CW that other reviewers have noted. It is so rare, however, that I just let it pass and continue the QSO. It really can be ignored for practical purposes.

The internal tuner will quickly load anything that can be called an antenna. I usually operate barefoot, but it easily drives my Amp Supply LA-1000A amplifier to full output. I get excellent reports on the air.

My most serious complaint is that it does not appear to hear as well as it speaks. I occasionally get answers to CQs and good reports from weak stations that I can barely copy. This is particularly true on 6 meters.

Overall, I like it and intend to keep it. The positive attributes far outweigh the few negative ones. It is a fun-to-use, basic DSP radio. It is worth considering if you are looking for a used transceiver.

KD7WH Rating: 2013-11-30
Excellent Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I've owned and used this rig now for about 14 years. It has performed magnificently in all respects. The only glitchy problem that this rig developed was a sticky TR relay after about 2-3 years of operation. Being a former P-3C US Navy Avionics Tech, I had no problem replacing the relay in several hours of time. The 'mother' board, that the relay was soldered to, was easy to access, replace the relay, and reset in the chassis. The new relay has functioned flawlessly now for 10 years with nearly daily use. This was a component problem and not a Kenwood problem. I assess no penalty in my review for the TR problem. The receiver is superbly sensitive and with my TS-570S(G), I was able to attain the VUCC and have 203 confirmed grids on 50 MHz. I use my TS-570S(G) now exclusively on the low bands and drive an old AL-80 amplifier with it. For VHF/UHF I use a TS-2000X which is also a no problem 5 star rig.
N7WR Rating: 2013-10-13
Love It Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
Had one when they were first produced and sold it. Over the years I have bought and sold many rigs, quite a few of them much more expensive than the 570. Decided it was time to downsize the station a bit, sell some of the more expensive stuff since I'm now fixed income retired. I still wanted a capable radio that I could use for rag chewing, DX ing and contesting and one that I knew would get good audio reports when mated to my Heil microphone.

So I found an absolutely mint used 570SG and it suits my purposes perfectly. I can hear even weak DX on my decent but not great antennas; in a recent contest QRM wasn't anything I couldn't work around, and with the Mic EQ set to HB my very deep voice gets great audio reports.
WH6ST Rating: 2013-03-14
I'm liking it, but Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
New ham, first HF rig. Loving it so far, as I learn it's capabilities and operation. But a queston to other owners: The display screen has about a hundred bubbles on the surface. Maybe from the original protective plastic that was never removed? Though I can't detect a plastic layer present. Any solutions out there. The radio was new in '99 I sight is challenged enough without the bubbles...Help! 73, Aloha, Steve.
VE5EDE Rating: 2012-08-15
Built Like a Tank! Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I have owned a TS-570s for two months after picking up a mint specimen for $450. I'm keeping it.

I've had Kenwoods before but would have to say this is the toughest, well-built radio I've ever seen. Aluminum and steel castings all around. It's not particularly heavy, but boy is it built!

My first radio with onboard DSP, albeit in the audio stage only. It's like comparing a phonograph record to a CD. Please note, the instruction manual clearly states NR2 is for CW, so if it sounds funny on phone, please don't knock points off this this radio.

Kudos to all the wealthy hams who've never home-brewed their own radios, but this budget, dual conversion rig will do 99% of what the big guns can afford....except inflate your ego. A very competent rig, rich in features for the right price.

73 de Bob
AA6TS Rating: 2012-06-22
A solid rig with many useful features for a reasonable price Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I have only had my Kenwood TS-570S(G) for five days, but I have thoroughly checked it out and I am ready to share some comments. I purchased this radio because my Atlas 350-XL was getting old, and it would have cost me more to fix it than it was worth. For not much more than what my repair bill would have been, I was able to purchase this used Kenwood TS-570S(G). The previous owner had obviously not used it much because it appeared as brand new. After using the radio, my main complaint is the receiver. The sensitivity and the noise level are not what I was used to with my Atlas, but in all fairness to the Kenwood, the Atlas 350-XL has one of the best receivers of any radio ever sold in the history of ham radio! Also, the Atlas has three filters installed from the factory, and the Kenwood only has one. But I believe that the 570 is as good as or better than other newer radios that I am familiar with, and the receiver offers several options for noise reduction which end up in pulling out the voice with very little background noise. As other people have written, yes the NR2 does make the audio sound “warbled,” but in defense, most of the newer rigs have the same problem. Menu #12 offers two time constant settings for NR2 DSP. Perhaps if Kenwood would offer at least five choices instead of two, most people would be able to find a setting that sounds good to them. Others have reported that they are uncomfortable with the automatic antenna tuner “rattling,” but I found this to also be common, and not a problem. In fact, the TS-570S(G) has the antenna tuner, computer interface and electronic keyer built in, where on other radios these are options. I have found that the auto-tuner works as well as my manual MFJ tuner, so I no longer have a need to use the MFJ tuner.

Eventually, I plan to install the optional TCXO and SSB filter, and then I believe that this will then be a truly outstanding rig that I will enjoy for many years. I don’t like the idea that only one filter can be installed at a time. Why not all three? That’s what my Atlas had, and they didn’t even charge anything extra for all three filters, where the Kenwood filters are a bit costly. I plan to search for less expensive after-market filters to use instead.

I only used the CW mode a few times, but I can see no room for complaint as everything seems to work the way it should. I haven't tried any of the digital modes because I do not own a TNC or a multi-mode controller, but after reading this section in the manual, I am looking forward to trouble free digital work in the future because it looks like Kenwood has done a nice job implimenting the digital modes.

Pros – The DSP signal processing and other advanced features such as the CW auto tune, audio shaping on both transmit and receive, available “sky command” system, the user programmable button, receive pre-amp, adjustable power levels in increments of 5 watts, a variety of scanning options, 100 memory channels, six different noise reduction and filtering options, the use of the universal “multi” knob instead of having many more knobs to worry about, among many other features. Cons – slightly noisier than top-of-the-line rigs, but in line with other rigs in this price range, plus the possibility of a premature drain of the lithium memory backup battery. When my memories were erased each time I turned on the radio, I realized that I needed to replace the battery. When I searched online for instructions, I discovered that many people reported that the battery lasts 6 months. From what I read, it seems that the factory can install a diode and solve this problem.

When I first saw this rig when I went to pick it up from the seller, what impressed me most was the heavy metal chassis and the all metal case. No plastic in this rig! It made me feel like this was a quality product, made with care! If you download the brochure and begin to read about the 570S(G), you will discover feature after feature. For what is considered an entry level to medium class rig, this radio is loaded with useful features normally found only in the more advanced (and more costly) rigs. I signed onto a 75 meter net one night and the other participants offered advice as I tried different settings of the speech processor and TX audio shaping until I received glowing comments of approval. Then I tuned around the dials, pulling in some domestic and some DX stations, and experimented with the RX shaping features such as slope, IF shift and two-stage noise reduction until I was able to accentuate the voice and reduce the background noise. After doing this a few times, I can offer my praise for the DSP noise reduction features in this rig.

One final feature I’d like to comment on is the adjustable power output selector. You can select from 5 watts to 100 watts in increments of five. This not only allows you to do QRP work and then bring on the full 100 watts to get through the mess, but you can also creatively choose only as much power as you need to do the job, which is what the FCC asks you to do!

In summary, I feel that I am getting a world class transceiver, comparable to many of the more expensive rigs, for only slightly more than an entry level rig, or in my case, buying used from an owner that kept this in like new condition, I got the bargain of a lifetime! I would recommend this transceiver without hesitation to anyone looking for a good all-around rig. The only two exceptions when this rig might not be the best choice would be if you are looking for a serious contest machine (which is going to cost you a lot more) or if you are looking for something portable that can double as a backpack radio or a mobile rig. While this transceiver is small and light (and it even has a carry handle on the side), to me it is more of a base station, and other units such as the 817, 857 and 897 from Yaesu might be better for those seeking a portable radio. I think that I finally found the radio that I was looking for! In all fairness, if the Kenwood TS-590 should receive a rating of 5 because it is a better radio, but consider that the TS-570S(G) is $600 less and does almost as good a job as the 590, so that is why I gave the Kenwood TS-570S(G) a rating of 5.
N0RIP Rating: 2012-05-06
Great radio Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I got this radio used, 2 weeks ago, with it, and a G5RV, I made a contact with R7DX, in Russia last night on 20m.
I am a recent general class operator, and this radio is my second... and will be my last for a long time, if it keeps performing as it is. I've gotten all positive reports on receive sound quality. Operating instructions are easy to follow.
FORMER_K0PD Rating: 2010-06-09
Not so Bad Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I bought this 570S a couple of months back and agree it is not so bad a radio. The receive is really good outside of this is not the G model so i do not use the DSP that often(to much Ringing sound). If it was a G model i'm sure i would have gave it a 5. I have a Icom 756 pro and granted it has more functions including a very good dsp i prefer the simplicity of the 570s. The Icom does have a good receive and better than the 570s but not all that much better as the dsp is the difference. Both have very good tuners,so as far as i'm concerned the 570 is a keeper..