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Reviews For: Ten-Tec Triton IV Digital / 544

Category: Transceivers: HF Amateur HF+6M+VHF+UHF models - non QRP <5W

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Review Summary For : Ten-Tec Triton IV Digital / 544
Reviews: 38MSRP: 875 (when new) 150 (power supply
Classic 70's 100w, solid-state, no-tune ssb/cw rig
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
WK8V Rating: 2020-02-08
Excellent rig Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I still have a Ten Tec Triton IV/544 that my parents purchased for me back in 1978. I installed the optional CW filter, NB and crystals for full 10M coverage. Due to some UPS shipping damage, I had to contact the Ten Tec service department soon after the rig arrived. They helped me troubleshoot the damage and sent me replacement circuit boards at no charge. The rig has performed flawlessly for me since.

The 544 is a great choice for a new ham. Band changes require only peaking receive signals with the Resonate switch and tuning the antenna. If you use a TT power supply such as the 262M, power will shut down (protecting the finals) to prevent transmitting into an excessive SWR.

The receiver is very sensitive, quiet and great for DX work. I did add a Autek QF-1A audio filter a few years ago and it complements the rig very well. I've operated numerous contests and completed WAS, WAC and DXCC with the 544. I also like to operate QRP and the 544 allows adjusting output power to <5W without modifications.

Though I mostly operate CW, the 544 is also very solid on SSB. I consistently receive very good audio reports using a Shure handheld microphone. I recently rebuilt the PTO (which is more of a mechanical than electrical task) and the dial feels like new again.

I can't think of any other product I've owned this long and still enjoy using on a regular basis.
NB9M Rating: 2018-11-08
Honestly, not so much... Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I just received my second Triton IV (this is the digital version). I wanted to give it another try, even though I've had bad luck with the cheezy VFOs and a horrible experience with Ten Tec service a few years back. I went for it because this 544 had been gone through carefully by an experienced ham.

I'm coming away with much of the same impression as I had earlier: incredibly cheap enclosure. The knobs are too small, and the front panel controls wobble like the ball joints on a '59 Ford. Any US manufacturer of base citizen's band transceiver of the time had better construction and ergonomics.

The VFO, when serviced, is usable. Placing the slightest pressure on the case bottom plate underneath it bends the frequency - which brings up another issue: the VFO readout resolution. 100Hz just doesn't cut it using CW.

Another thing: don't expect common terms like "Preselector" or "RIT" on the control labels. Unless the operator understands what ALC really is, it's a sure bet they'll be confused with the "ALC/Blanker" control - which brings up another weird thing: the confusing push/pull controls that serve a dual purpose. They're out when they should be in. The good old "rotate fully to the left to turn off" paradigm was truly not on the designer's mind.

The necessity of incorporating the necessary PA current-limiting on the host power supply was certainly not a good idea.

Yes, the transceiver has REALLY good receiver (after the display whine finally diminishes at resonance). Yes, the QSK is excellent. The AGC and recovered audio is excellent. When serviced, it is surprisingly stable for its vintage. But the rig was overpriced then, and it is overpriced even now on the used market.

In my judgement, the Corsair 1 and 2 series is a better bet for the CW enthusiast.

K4CWQ Rating: 2017-04-25
Classic radio Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
I recently bought a 544 after seeing it advertised online. It was in excellent condition, as described by seller. I've previously owned two analog Triton IVs, but like the digital model best since it does away with common problems with dial cords. Previous owner had rebuilt the PTO, the most troublesome part of this model. It had also been tuned up and the receiver is sensitive, but quiet. I get many good reports on its transmit audio. It's so refreshing to operate, with no menus or buttons, just knobs and switches. The one thing I dislike is having the microphone socket on the back, but it's a minor annoyance. I'm going to hold onto this one.
M0MBD Rating: 2015-10-16
This rig is a classic Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
Picked this radio up from a Ham that wanted to sell his old equipment. This was the rig I knew nothing about. I took it home to try & thought it was broken as it was so quiet.

Weak link is the VFO mechanism which was seized and a few switches that were a little intermittent, but after getting it serviced it was fine. 200w of clear audio on SSB and some of the best reports I have received for any radio.

It certainly needs driving and there are a few knobs to twiddle to get the best out of it. After switching bands, you have to adjust the resonate setting, and setting up the output is a combination of setting the ALC for output and drive for Mic gain.

If you have only ever used the new fangled synthesised boxes from Yaecom then this radio is an epiphany. The single conversion receiver is so quite and there is not the plethora or artefacts induced by digital circuitry. The frequency display is basically a frequency counter.

The guy wanted me to sell it, but I have ended up keeping it myself and is my favourite radio for a ragchew on 40m.

Old school radio at it's best & no tubes!
KD8OTT Rating: 2015-04-17
Awesome radio Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Just got this radio and did a comparison with Corsair 2 and Ic7410 there is none. This radio hands down is the best radio I have ever used. CW hands down the best and SSB just as good of reports than my other radios. The radio is simple and has a very hot receiver, the corsair is good but this is better by far. Ten Tec you want to make some money rebuild this radio exactly the way it is now !
N6BIZ Rating: 2014-04-23
GREAT!!! Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
WB4EDB Rating: 2014-02-11
fine older rig Time Owned: more than 12 months.
nice audio,great cw,few controls and a great zero beat feature plus its a Ten Tec and can still be serviced by the factory.What more needs to be said.I know no warc, bells or whistles.
WD8CYV Rating: 2014-02-10
excellent radio Time Owned: more than 12 months.
owned since jan 1977

one of the best radios you can own
have had this one 37 years

hundreds of hours on rtty in the 70s and 80s

only problem was the grease dried up in the PTO
its on the work bench being fixed
its a mechanical thing and not for the all thumbs
kind of guy
recommend as a nice radio
and a cheap one will all most always need the PTO
grease removed and replaced
WA4GQG Rating: 2012-08-09
Almost beyond belief!!! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I had the incredible fortune to acquire a Triton IV Digital a couple of years ago at an extremely good price! (It did come with a Model 262G power supply.) It's noise blanker EASILY KILLS POWER LINE NOISE...much to my immense relief and satisfaction!!! CW DXing and ragchewing are fantastic (even with simple wire antennas!) and I've recently been even more astounded with SSB DX QSOs at 100 watts and a low dipole. (A Brit said: "You've got crackin' audio; Don't change a thing!!!" while I was using my trusty old 520SL in concert with the Triton IV!!!)

Alas, it does NOT allow WARC band coverage...
K4YRK Rating: 2012-02-27
A nice little 'gem' from the 70's Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I owned a Ten Tec Triton IV back in the early 70's and had good memories of a fine rig. I just purchased another one at the Dalton hamfest this spring, 2012. It is in good shape and is working very well. It brings back good memories and even though I now have a "top of the line" Orion II, this little gem does well in comparison on receive and transmit in both phone and CW. I recommend you pick one up if you can find a working one.