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Reviews For: RadioWavz 20 meter Dipole

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : RadioWavz 20 meter Dipole
Reviews: 8MSRP: 37.99
20 Meter Dipole 33ft. 14awg insulated. Copper with 1:1 BALUN
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
AE9C Rating: 2016-11-16
Very well made*** Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Purchased one 3 weeks ago from HRO*,very impressed with the construction of this antenna,good quality, should last for years!!*
AA4JR Rating: 2015-11-28
Great Antenna For multiple bands with a tuner Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Even though this is a 20m dipole it tunes up on 20 through 6 on my Yaesu FT450D using the auto-tuner in the Yaesu. No tuner needed on 20 though. I worked Belgium and Croatia on 15 meters the first day I had this antenna up. I have it installed as an inverted V hanging from a tree branch about 30 feet up. So far I'm really liking this antenna and am seriously looking into a g5rv from RadioWavz to get 40 and 80 meters.
KG7GNI Rating: 2014-05-17
Fabulous antenna Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
No idea of where to put this, but in my review of the 20 meter dipole, I mentioned ordering several other Radiowavz antennas. One was a 220 foot custom made stealth loop, installed under the eves of my house. If you have neighborhood restrictions, buy one. Heck, if you just want a great antenna, buy one. Their isn't anywhere on the earth this antenna won't reach, running barefoot, with 100 watts. It works on everything from 6 to 80 meters really well, and I've made some contacts on 160 meters, too. Multiple contacts on SSB to Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Russia, Norway, Germany, Italy, Spain, Mexico, South America, Mexico, and every state in the US. It's amazing.... And very quiet to boot.
The downside.... Delivery of Custom antenna's from RadioWavz is slow. It took four months. It's well worth the wait, the customer service is great, but they take their time.

Earlier 5-star review posted by KG7GNI on 2014-03-23

This was my first HF antenna. I liked it so much, I bought three other RadioWavz antenna's. One word of caution, they are slow, but very thorough and quite honest. It took three months for one custom antenna to arrive, but it was worth it. As for the 20 meter dipole, it's still my favorite antenna. Noise rejection is excellent and those cheap looking insulators work just great
W4LGI Rating: 2013-08-11
Fine Business Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I worked Tasmania from my living room the 1st month I had the antenna. I live in Tampa, FL and the signal was booming. I received a 5/7 report using a Yaesu 857 running 100 watts from my living room. I had the antenna in a tree up about 25ft in an "inverted V." I am looking at getting a G5RV Jr now. I recommend this antenna to anyone. Great purchase!!!
KJ4QAN Rating: 2011-07-19
A note about the end insulators. Time Owned: more than 12 months.
At first glance one might think that the end insulators are kind of cheap looking. but in reality they’re quite ingenious. It’s just a rectangular piece of plastic about a quarter inch thick with three holes in it. I don’t know what kind of plastic it is but it’s tough. The way it works is; the wire comes up one hole then down into the middle and then is then flattened out with a pliers. The #14 gauge wire is stiff and will hold it’s shape against the block. The last outside hole is for you guy rope of course. It holds nice and secure just like a staple. So much so that I’ve seen two crows sitting on the wire in a good wind and it still holds!

Now I suppose that a dog-bone insulator would look more impressive but then you’d have to double the wire back onto itself and wrap it a few times. Then you’d go check the SWR, come back out and undo the whole thing, trim off a little wire and rewrap the end again. Do that 8 times on each side and you’ll be done for the day. Some people even recommend soldering the wrap. Oh that would be a lot of fun to change later!

Get this antenna with it’s (to some) “cheap looking insulators” that look like the manufacturer was '”only interested in saving money.” I guarantee that this type of end was well thought out and you will see what I mean the first time you use it. More than two years under the hot Florida sun hasn’t caused them to get brittle. It’s a good setup. Just make sure you flatten the wire tight against the insulators when you’re done and it will hold good as a wrapped end.
AA9UM Rating: 2009-11-28
Works across complete band Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Great antenna for the price. Works across the whole band for me. 1:1 at 14.000 and 1:2 in the phone section of band till about 14.300 then its 1:5 the rest of the way. I did have to fold over about 6 inches on each side, probably because I only have it up about 20 feet total, only 10 feet above the roof line. Ive been working worldwide with 100 watts no problem.
KD6ANF Rating: 2009-09-14
Great Antenna Time Owned: more than 12 months.
This is the first commercially available antenna for the HF bands I've purchased. It is installed as an inverted V with the balun mounted at the top of a large diameter PVC pipe. The PVC pipe has a wooden dowel inserted into it for added support. This pipe assembly is clamped to a metal vent pipe on the roof and the top of the antenna is about 22 feet from the ground. Fifty feet of low-loss coax feeds the antenna from an Icom IC-703 plus. I must admit this antenna works very well and has provided many hours of operating enjoyment. This antenna is reasonably priced and includes a BALUN, which has an eye-hook for easy field deployment. Bottom line, simple to put up and no tuning required.

Best regards

george potter KD6ANF
W6NFL Rating: 2009-02-09
Works Great Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Simple and proven design. The wire is a fairly heavy gauge and insulated. I have mine in a inverted V and up 35 feet at peak and it outperforms my G5RV on 20m. Comes stock with a 1.1 swr @ 14.000 and a 1.4 swr @ 14.345 so no tuner needed for the entire 20 meter band.