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Reviews For: ECO BEAM 20 M 40 M ART 247 2 ELEMENTS

Category: Antennas: HF: Yagi, Quad, Rotary dipole, LPDA

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Review Summary For : ECO BEAM 20 M 40 M ART 247 2 ELEMENTS
Reviews: 2MSRP:
2 élements beam ECO 20 M 40 M
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
S53BV Rating: 2011-01-01
HOW TO IMPROVE IT? Time Owned: more than 12 months.
This antenna works fine on 20m band, behaving as full-size 2el yagi.

40m band is another story. Reflector resonant frequency is too low and antenna behaves as dipole, so - no gain, no front/back ratio etc...

ECO guys optimised this antenna as a huge compromise...

But it can be repaired, upgraded to nice 20/40m yagi. How I did it?

a) 40m band
- shorteining of reflector to achieve resonance to app. 6.6MHz
- impendance at the feeding poind goes down to app. 28 ohm

b) 20m band
- original impendance on this band is arr. 40 ohm
- increasing boom lenght for 3,4m
- adding a director, at 3,4m from the radiator
- director lenght app. 0,95x radiator
- impendance drops down to app. 26 ohm

c) feeding and matching
- very easy
- simply change original 1:1 boom with 2:1 and that's it

With this simple modification you will get really great DX antenna, dual bander for 20 and 40meeters.

For any questions please check my contact details on

73 de S53BV
F4CJY Rating: 2009-10-31
very nice Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Hello i used this 2 elements beam antenna since two weeks she was on the mast at 14 meters high
he works very well for me , W K on 40 meters
VK FK JA on 20 meters
VE W K KP4 JA on 17 meters

I used it with a 450 ohm ladder line
the price was interesting here in europe i don't know in the USA