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Reviews For: PSK-40 Small Wonder Labs

Category: QRP Radios (5 watts or less)

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Review Summary For : PSK-40 Small Wonder Labs
Reviews: 3MSRP: 115
40 Meter PSK transceiver kit. Direct interface to computer sound card. Auto transmit/recieve switching using internal VOX type circuit. ~ 4 watts
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
AD6KA Rating: 2013-09-29
Rig Discontinued Time Owned: more than 12 months.
"I do think Dave should offer a 7.035 MHz version, it does seem to be the more popular frequency."

Agreed, but Dave discontinued the PSK Series
at least two years ago. A sad day, they were great. I had the original "Higher Parts Count"
PSk-40 and, like the PSk-20 model that appeared on the cover of QST, the receiver was phenomenal.runnng 3 watts into a dipole up 30 feet....
I worked VK2 from California on my second call,
KB3MHB Rating: 2010-08-24
Great qrp rig added eu band. Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
Well I built my SWL 40 meter rig around Feb. 2010. It went together just like the 20 meter version. Also added the "EU" band which was very easy to add. I now have a switch in the back to switch between bands. The "EU" band is very active so I have made alot of contacts.

Bert M. Thompson KB3MHB/0
KB1NLW Rating: 2009-12-05
Added 2nd frequency Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I previously built a PSK-20 and enjoyed building it and using it so much I ordered the 40meter variant. The PSK-40 worked without any issues, just like the PSK-20

One dilemma, in the US we use 7.070 MHz but Europe and most DX is on 7.035 MHz. After building the design for 7.070 MHz I built a second small oscillator daughter board with a 11.9495 MHz xtal I obtained from Kens. This oscillator shared R49. Switching between the two oscillators is accomplished by switching power (Vr) between the two oscillators. The bandpass is wide enough to cover both frequencies.

I do think Dave should offer a 7.035 MHz version, it does seem to be the more popular frequency.