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Reviews For: MFJ-812B

Category: SWR & Wattmeters & Dummy Loads

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Review Summary For : MFJ-812B
Reviews: 26MSRP: 34.95
2-Meter & 220 MHz SWR/Wattmeter
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
W4KVW Rating: 2017-06-10
Worse than GARBAGE! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
PLEASE "RUN" as fast as you possibly can from this piece of total JUNK.It's OK as an SWR Meter ONLY.It is the worst excuse EVER for a wattmeter on any band.Better yet just don't buy anything that says, MFJ on it & save yourself the headache & the loss of time & hard earned money.They just keep on living up to their hard earned reputation of building more & more junk. {:>(
KD5FLN Rating: 2014-01-30
Liked it so much I bought another. Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I bought my first MFJ-812b back around 1998/99 and at first it can get confusing to use, especially if you didnt read the instructions. Well, after reading the instructions it's actually a good, inexpensive piece of equipment to use if your looking for something to check your SWR & power output on that new mobile radio or antenna. I've had no problems with anything from MFJ that I purchased over the years.
KI4GTJ Rating: 2012-02-03
Works like it should Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
Have no problem works great
N5YSZ Rating: 2008-08-21
junk Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Yep it is a useless piece of junk. I ruined 2 good antenna and hours spent for nothing.get a Bird!
KI6PDQ Rating: 2008-07-21
Wake up n smell d coffee Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Welcome to MFJ "Mighty fine Junk" my dummy load was a lemon out of the box, thanks MFJ.
AB0XE Rating: 2008-07-21
Did not Work Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I wanted a inexpensive swr meter for my ARES radio box. My antenna was 1.5 to 1
I 1st checked it on a Yaesu YS-500, then Daiwa CN 103l
MY radio was set for 10 watts, hooked up MFJ, switched to forward power ,set full scale deflections as required , switched to Reflected power and it is still reads 10 watts
Checked and double checked then
like a dope I took it apart thinking there might be cold solder joint or something, of course now my warranty is void. MFJ must love dopes like me
Well I quess if nothing else I have a forward power watt meter
KE3JH Rating: 2008-05-30
real bad Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
i ordered mfj 812b and didnt work. the store said they will send a new one so i asked they check it first. Well they checkes 7 models before they found ONE THAT WORKED! im hoping it still works when it gets here. I thought they inspected there junk before they shipped them to the stores?
KB0LPI Rating: 2007-05-01
Works fine for me Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
SWR readings seemed in line for the antenna I was running. Power readings confirmed factory specs on 2 radios. the 30W setting was right on the money, but I don't know how they picked where to put the 300W mark. It was nowhere even close, but it worked fine when I calibrated for 300W scale according to the instructions.
VE3QJ Rating: 2007-04-10
Reliable Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I bought this meter in 2005 and i keep it in hooked up. Nice size, Accurate, good price, (around $40.00 cdn), and i like the convenience of the 220 band coverage.
Great for field day too.
I highly recommend it.
N8ERM Rating: 2007-03-18
Junker Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
This is the worst piece of test gear I have ever used. The readings and not even close to accurate. If you use this you will need to order finals for your rig because a dead short in a piece of feed line was a 1.7 to 1. I scrapped the guts and used the enclosure for a project box. It is its only use.