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Reviews For: Yaesu FT-100D

Category: Transceivers: HF Amateur HF+6M+VHF+UHF models - non QRP <5W

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Review Summary For : Yaesu FT-100D
Reviews: 172MSRP: 1,200.00
Product is not in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
K5BM Rating: 2024-03-04
Used it for years Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I currently own three with separation kits. The RX beats the big boy rigs. Used one for 6 meter EME from the Black Sea in 2011 running JT-65 with no preamp. Have owned an IC-706MKllG. The 100D is far superior on RX.
K1VTX Rating: 2024-03-04
Great older HF portable Time Owned: more than 12 months.
This was my first HF portable I got from a local ham for, I think, $400 a few years ago. Ran it for a dozen or so pota activations but got rotated out when I came across a virtually unused IC 706MKII, at a price I couldn't say no to. Well, I plugged the 100D back in this weekend for the first time in about two years and wow did I ever miss it. What a blast to operate. No nonsense menu. Love everything about it except maybe the speaker. It's really too bad we don't see them anymore on the used market. I'd get another if the price were even close to right.
W4BSS Rating: 2024-02-11
Great little Rig! I've owned two. Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have owned two FT-100D rigs since 2004 and I currently still own the second one. They have always performed great and with the factory TCXO they are stable as a rock. I have worked the world from my mobile using the FT-100D and a good HF mobile antenna. I would have to say the FT-100D is my favorite multimode HF/VHF/UHF radio that I have ever owned. Just my two cents!
VE3AQT Rating: 2023-11-17
I came back for seconds Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
A decade of FT-100 ownership was a joy, the rig was a blast to operate, it had all the features I needed at the time. It compared really well to any era xceiver if digital was removed from the equation. When a spotless FT-100D surfaced I could not resist. I had always hoped a clean 2nd gen would surface at a good price and when I wasn't looking it appeared. The timing was right, I was in the middle of deciding to replace my FT-857 "tiger stripe" displays, selling them, scrapping them, or converting them both to CAT-IV control. I simply parked my FT-857s and the FT series took over phone and CW duty. The D model comes with serious filters that work wonders. My 1st gen FT is good, the D with filter floored me. Yes, neither can match my IC-7000 for receive features but it's busy on digital tasks. Would I buy a THIRD FT100x rig? Sure, if it's dirt cheap, maybe a 1st gen with blown unobtanium finals. It might save another rig some day that needs parts. For that matter I'd buy a 3rd and 4th FT-100x for reserves. I figure with my time left on earth I can get buy easily with 3 FT rig full of parts. My regrets are not diving in deeper way back when the FT-100x took their first big depreciation dive. I should have scooped a pair then, but I was raising a family and needed to be somewhat responsible.
VA3VS Rating: 2023-04-23
excellent Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
looking to go /m again, so i was looking at the usual suspects. ive kinda got a thing for the older equipment, like my ts 940, and 1000mp, so i picked up this pristine ft 100d, i guess the fore runner to the 857d.
after an initial problem , which was rectified by a cpu reset, this litle gem is wkg 100%. full output all bands including vhf and uhf. very sensitive receiver, hf and vhf, so should work well in the mobile.
the previous owner was using the radio, out of the box, as it came, with no failure on vhf/uhf. well, after all this time, if its still wkg.....
however, i did the fan mod, that entails splicing into one of the fans black leads, and installing a 50 ohm, 2 w resister to gnd.
now on vhf/uhf, the fans run all the time at reduced speed, quietly, and only go to high speed when i tx.
dnr and bpf functions are superb. the noise blanker does a grand job too.
for its age, its quite the compact radio!
only 2 items i dont like. internal spkr sounds very tinny, but plugging in external spkr brings full, nice sounding audio, and the speech processor seems to be same as on the 857. just another audio stage, so i dont use it. the tx audio is very nice without it.
all in all, a very nice working, and sounding radio.
best 73 de bob.
N1WO Rating: 2018-05-30
excellant Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I still have my 100d and it has never been used , still new in box. I watched one demoed and it was flawless at time so, I BOUGHT ONE AND NEVER HAD CHANCE TO USE IT.
W0RDX Rating: 2018-01-11
Great Radio for the $$ Time Owned: more than 12 months.
The FT-100D IMHO is grossly undermarketed. Now, mainly on the used market, you can obtain one of these for like $500 or so. 160-6 meters, 2 meters and 440. Can't beat that. Easy enough to use, small foot print, you can take it mobile, portable, go-radio, or base. Unfortunately, Yaesu marketed their 857 and 891 more so the 100 was a bit forgotten. If you can get one, you will like it, and have additional features/bands some of the others don't offer.
NY1S Rating: 2016-11-29
Still holding its own Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
Bought my FT-100D on Ebay for about $400... It is a huge step up from my early 1980's Kenwoods. Rock solid receive and transmit, CW filter, DSP, CAT control with HRD and my digital programs for JT-65, WSPR, etc. Why spend $1,200 when you can do everything for much less? I have logged 850 contacts with it since the end of August. In this sunspot minimum I have had great DX from the northeast to Antarctica, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand Hawaii and Alaska, Siberia and everywhere in between... all with a Windom ant. cut for 80 meters and up 30 ft.
MI0GTA Rating: 2016-08-24
excellent Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
just picked a 100d from a dealer here in the UK.
it's on it's way to the new qth on EU-008, Isle of Tiree, Scotland..
I used the ft-100 when I was a taxi driver and it worked fine with the atas.
Looking forward to using this rig with a manual tuner and long wire. the fc-20 is too narrow a limit for hf tuning.
i'll update this later.
listen out for me, MM0GTA, EU-008, WAB NN94.. 73, Stevie
MI6NOS Rating: 2015-05-05
Excellent Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I picked one of these up second hand and have it installed in my car for mobile use. I have it running with an Atas 120a and this works great, also if using 2m/70cm I'd recommend a separate antenna for this use as the Atas ain't all that good for hf/vhf but will still work all the same, just not a very good distance. Just make sure you have a good earth to the antenna mount on the car or the Atas will not move/tune. Anyway, back to the FT-100D:) I've had some good strong contacts all round Europe and have listened to many stations state side but have only owned this rig for a short while so still plenty of time to get more in the log. This unit is great, 100w HF, 50w UHF and 20w VHF and amazing from such a small rig. It has a great DSP setting to quiet things down and a load of other settings so you have plenty to play with. Very impressed with this little rig so it's got my vote:)