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Reviews For: Ten Tec R4020

Category: QRP Radios (5 watts or less)

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Review Summary For : Ten Tec R4020
Reviews: 33MSRP: 249.00
Model R4020 2 Band QRP Transceiver
Product is in production
More Info:
# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
W5NM Rating: 2024-08-28
Great... Now... Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Bought this radio and it was a mess... all the jacks, key,
headphone, were bad... next the audio pot was intermittent and would not respond to cleaner.
Next the Tuning stepper went south.
Fortunately I was able to fine the Tuning pot and the audio pot and changed them both. Then I replaced the key jack and the phone jack and VOILA ! It works.
and it works Great... 40 Meters and 20 Meters sound
good and I get 6-7 watts out of my R 4020.
With 30 meters added on and semi break-in included
and a decent AGC, this rig would be up their in the
ratings amongst QRP enthusiasts

N6XJP Rating: 2020-07-18
Keyer vs straight Key Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
I had a problem with my first one...may have been “operator error”.

Earlier 5-star review posted by N6XJP on 2012-03-02

A new TenTec 4020 arrived fresh from the factory last night. It works perfectly and does not have the plug/jack issue. I am looking forward to tons of usage out of this little beauty with my LnR Endfeds .... as soon as the wind stops blowing 40 knots and it gets above freezing....

Thanks to Paul and his staff at TenTec. We just didn't ( I didn't ) communicate well.
N0TES Rating: 2016-11-25
A keeper, when used with a magnetic loop antenna Time Owned: more than 12 months.
After 2 years of rugged use, this rig has found a place permanent place in my go to kit. I find it works best with a magnetic loop antenna.
KK2CQ Rating: 2015-01-25
Great little rig Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have to say price and size is relative to
your experience. If it's too big or expensive
you may not even want to take it. If the radio doesn't offer enough features like RIT and built in keyer you'll get tired quickly with it. There is a FUN price point, and this is it.

This is the perfect blend of price and performance. Pack it and hunk of wire with
a tuner and forget it!

The fact it's mass produced and "made in China"
adds to the credit. I have some cheep
QRP kits and some "Not so Cheep rigs" but, I've spent so much time building and perfecting them
they have almost a sentimental value. I'm not sure I can stomach watching the luggage cart run over my suitcase knowing it's inside.

When it comes down the conveyor wrapped in
Gray duct tape, you know you brought the
WRONG Rig ! The R4020 is the ONLY rig I'll
travel with.
VK3YE Rating: 2014-10-24
Has everything needed Time Owned: more than 12 months.
A lot of fun. Has all needed features and capable of DX on the two busiest HF bands.

Tuning is not as smooth on some rigs and rx volume could be a bit higher. But these are minor things.

Low rx consumption make it great for portable.

More comments in my YouTube review at:
WX4USA Rating: 2013-12-23
Awesome. I am adding internal audio amp and speaker. Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I use the rig with internal batteries and an mp1 portable vertical from super antennas. No tuner required and works 40 & 20 with a great match.

Main drawback to me is the need for an internal audio amp and speaker. I found a 386 amp and very low profile speaker that I will mount inside the cabinet. This amp will fit even with the 8 batteries. Let me know if you'd like info on the amp and speaker. It's the only 12v amp I found that will fit in the cabinet with all batteries.

With the super antenna, no tuner is needed, so I can fit all of the gear in a small bag!
AC5D Rating: 2013-04-22
Ten-Tec 4020 using BW-90 antenna Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I talked with Serbia last night on my BW-90 t2fd antenna that reviews here said was a dummy load! . . . Fun, fun, fun ! ! ! . . . . Note: If I get the dc power too close to the other wires, it switches to transmit, so I have to keep the radio wires separate, but how hard is that? . . Easy fix after you understand . . . all these features for this price ? ? ? . . . Too cool . . .
W1CFZ Rating: 2013-03-31
Glad I bought it! Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Just purchased this little transceiver and quickly made a contact on 40 with W2EZB, about 200 miles away. There was a lot of QRM but we were able to ragchew about 30 minutes. I'm glad I bought this for two reasons...1) for something to do when we lose power again (too many long outages in New England these days) and 2) it'll be a great rig to take on vacation this year.
K2OO Rating: 2013-03-06
Great Value Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I've had the radio about a month. So far, I've worked 36 states and 32 countries. I have built a "Go Kit" around the radio with a tuner and an external battery and a 20m zepp antenna that I've taken to the park for portable operation. Ten-Tec is closing them out at $188. Its worth every penny!
KG9H Rating: 2013-02-03
What a great bargain Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
Have had mine now for a while, meets all specs. Best feature of all is the built-in CQ with my call. Have been working all over the Midwest on 5 watts on 40 meters. The built-in memories are great to listen to SSB when I don't want to transmit. Would recommend it to anyone. I use the cheap MFJ paddle and have been having a blast with it. See you on 40. Maybe some day I will try it on 20 but until then.. 7.030 for me. Frank KG9H