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Reviews For: TET-EMTRON TE 53

Category: Antennas: HF: Yagi, Quad, Rotary dipole, LPDA

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Review Summary For : TET-EMTRON TE 53
Reviews: 3MSRP: 1295 aud
5 Element triband yagi
Product is in production
More Info: http://
# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
VK3KTT Rating: 2019-02-19
great antenna my dx number speak for themselves Time Owned: more than 12 months.
here is a follow up review after 5 years i used to be VK3meg. this antenna is the best value for money around. if you want to work dx this is the antanna 3 band dxcc on this antenna with 100w 230+ on 20m 176 on 15. 193 on 10m worked all with 100 watts from vk3. i came 7th in the cqdx marathon for ssb contacts in 2015. In 20 15 and i was only using 100w the builds quality is exceptional the wind survivabilty is high. on 10m its a band opener.
this is a hand made antenna. the fit and finish are second to none
just buy one you wont regret it
VK3MEG Rating: 2013-08-23
a very good all round antenna Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I installed my te 53 a few weeks ago I came from a 4 element on 10m and wire for the rest.I have used other antennas like thr3 tri bander and some local duel banders.
Its a big antenna 8.3 (27') meter boom the elements are approx 7.5 meters with traps. its hand made and it shows it took us a few hours to assemble not rushing. it was very easy, every thing fell in place. each element was bagged separatly plenty of spare screws and bolt the quality of the aluminium showed. as well as all the fittings. These antenna's are made by one person Mark and he takes pride in his work. I looked at all the usual culprits for antenna's they all are great but I chose to buy local.
The antenna is only 10-11m off the ground its a domestic block. swr was below 1.5 first time right across all the bands.
first on air test was zl2jbr 1600 miles my previous best report from john was 5/8 to 5/9 i only run 100w and that was with wire. with the TE 5-3 5/9 +20 to plus 30db he was +35db. countries that I could only hear in the noise are now well above it. my best contact so far is to bust up eu iota pile up for an iota in Denmark a new one for me i got a 5/5 but he heard my 100 watts.4 new countries already costa rico, denmark, latvia and cuba. the fun is just begining.
Its the best thing I have done I'm glad I didn't buy that new rig and got a tower and antenna instead. my ft920 and ic 7200 should be able to handle the burden for a while.
pics on my qrz page
catch you in the pile ups
VK2CRC Rating: 2010-12-30
Amazing Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
TET recently released a third director element for their TE 43.
I've been using the TE 43 for some time and found it to be WAY ahead of the other tribanders I'd tried. On advice from VK2DEL I purchased the add on and what a great beam it is. Razor sharp signals, very strong with good attenuation of the sides. It is the best yagi I've used in 45 years on the air.