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Reviews For: Snowdonia Radio Company (SRC) HF-360

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : Snowdonia Radio Company (SRC) HF-360
Reviews: 8MSRP: 94 Pounds Sterling
The SRC HF360 is an end fed fiberglass vertical antenna, capable of allowing the user to work 80 meters through 10 meter bands using an ATU, also not requiring any counterpoise and can be fed using coax cable
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
M0NYW Rating: 2023-09-17
Review for SRC and Sigma Time Owned: more than 12 months.

Picked up an original SRC HF-360 that had been stored in a garage unopened. These were definity made to a higher standard and everything went together first time.

I use this mainly for the bands my PARend doesn't cover so 80M/30M/17M/15M & 12M. OK performance on 80/30M isn't great but the IC-703 internal ATU will bring it in and allows me to operate on those bands. On 17-10M it's my go to antenna and have worked stations in Curacao, Mali, Antigua and Barbuda, Zambia and India with only 10watts CW.

Great antenna for 5.4mtrs long and it's only mounted 5Mtrs off the ground with 1:1 choke and 10mtrs of RG-8mini.

Sigma version review - 3 stars

I recently picked up a second hand but brand new SE HF360 in a sealed box.

Once I opened the box I noticed the SO-239 on the matching box was damaged and needed replacing and the 2nd screw on section of the antenna wouldn't go down fully! NO quaility control from Sigma.

That afternoon was spent fixing the section of antenna that didn't fit, replacing the SO-239. I also decided on rebuilding the cheaply made 6:1 balun and make a 9:1 balun as per Snowdonia radio company originals were.

I understand this type of antenna will be a compromise but after the mods with it mounted 4ft off the ground and using 10watts on FT-8. I've worked most of Europe and been spotted in China, South Africa, USA and Canada. So it does radiate a signal.

It's a shame Snowdonia Radio Comapany ceased trading as the overall product/quaility was so much better.

Be mindful if you buy SE version, modifications might have to be done. It's a great antenna if you have a limited or no garden.

Bring back SRC that's all I say
K2JZD Rating: 2020-03-20
Noisy but it works, better to listen than transmit Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
I made beginners mistake confused about what antenna to buy, neighbors are on top of each other and didn't know much about verticals, dipoles etc...thought it was a great looking antenna that wasn't a total eyesore. after moving it 4 times i put it back to the original spot (on a laundry line pole that's 12 feet high), changed from rg8x to rg213 and ran a 4 radials (30 feet each). I can hear ok, after throwing in a common mode choke I could hear fairly well but transmitting I get very bad signal reports. It does tune with ft991a internal tuner. Maybe if I had less RFI and was able to get it higher up it would work better, again its compromise.
ON3ERN Rating: 2016-07-29
testing the SE HF-360 on 3mt high Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
This is really a great antenna, I did a test in my garden and put it up on an alu mast of 3mt.
using 50W and the internal tuner of the yaesu FT1200 giving fairly good SWR. made some QSO with Turky, denmark, slovenia, Bulgaria, Poland, Macedonia....R/S all between 4/3 and 5/9.
and as you all know conditions on 10m and 20m are not that good lately.
I think i can say that this test was great succes.Look My pictures on
73's ON3ERN. Eric.
ON4XA Rating: 2016-04-12
not bad at all Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Hi, it's now more as a year that I use it in hollidays as portable. Buy on Ebay by the factory Sigma Euro-Comm Sigma-4-antennas. Great on 10 and 20m without tuning. Other bands ok with tuner. Cheap antenna, mounting in a few minutes, take no space, easy to use. I made many qsos with it, and some intercontinental too. I recommand it 100%. 73
MM6WBJ Rating: 2012-08-08
Great Antenna Time Owned: more than 12 months.
My HF360 is mounted on a wooden fence in the garden approx 6ft off the ground, no radials
this antenna works great for me, regular contacts into South Europe, Russia, Poland and Iceland. Have owned this antenna for over a year now and have had no problems with it, as with all verticals you will get noise thats how it is.

Unfortunately SRC are now out of business, but wouldnt swap this antenna.
KE5BUS Rating: 2012-04-06
Great antenna for restricted areas Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
Bought this antenna about 9 months ago. Just got Hawaii (3897miles) from Dallas, TX on 100wats with this antenna. Says no radials needed, but mine is up 20ft @ the corner of a balcony, above the roofline and I added 3 radials from an old power cord laying on top of the balcony rafters.
Less expensive than the CHA250 or similar and works well with the config above. Running IC7000. Initially had some feedback into the radio but RF line magnets took care of that. For my needs, solid 4 and using IT100 tuner, works into 80m nicely.
M0RDI Rating: 2012-02-10
compromise antenna works for me Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
I bought this antenna to get back on 80/40 metres.
(the higher bands I have a quad)
AS a compromise antenna it had the features I needed as I don't have a back garden and just a small back yard .Its made out of fibreglass so its very light at about 3kg in weight but has sufficient resistance against strong winds and does not require a ground,making it ideal to put on my chimney.The entire structure is 15/17 metres in the air.On 80 its given me the best results I have ever achieved.Sure its a bit noisey(verticals are) but nothing that the rf gain and dsp cant control and it gets me qrv on 80 metres so I cant complain.I think 5 would be an exageration as it is a compromise aerial but it works for me so receives a solid 4
M6AIU Rating: 2011-09-05
Not performing and poor customer service! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Premium version of the X-80. Had this antenna at my QTH for about a year now. Sited the antenna about 10' off the ground on the side of the house.

Initially i had some issues in getting my ATU to tune on 80m and had to resort to some electrical trickery to get it tune to an acceptable level - gave up in the end on this band. Other bands <80m tuned fine, however background noise was far more than i expected, especially when compared to my alternate antenna, and SRC X-65 which runs as a 'long wire' down my garden.

I found the antenna to be fantastic for receiving broadcast signals but as a HF transmitter antenna i was not that impressed, especially when i am using another of the companys antennas at nearly a third of the cost with far better results.

It may be the siting of the antenna thats the problem but to be honest, i don't think so. I took it down and used it on a recent expedition with poor results again.

Customer service? 3 emails and no reply, 1 phone call to an answerphone - no reply. And all i was after was advice as i am an M6 user... poor really - though the company were very enthusiastic when i was sold it at a Ham Rally!!

In summary - not for me, i will probably pass it on for someone else to have a go! Good luck with it i say.... Scoring a 2 as the customer service is dire and it hasn't really performed for me.

73's Dave M6AIU